Tuesday 10 May 2011

MomenTUM - I fell off the wagon

Hi All

Confession time.  A double pack of jammy dodgers was £1 in Sainsbury's yesterday....

I bought them and brought them to work today.... yes my colleagues helped me eat them but I easily ate at least 6 of them......

What's been the cause of your undoing?

Good news is I am feeling slimmer.

Walked a lot yesterday and today in my MBT Kisumus and could really feel it in my legs.

You can't beat them for comfort.

Liska x


  1. Ooops! DOn't worry too much as you have your new toning shorts coming soon. Apparantly they can make you lose up to two dress sizes. Heres hoping xxx

  2. Don't worry..onwards and upwards, tomorrow is another day! :) Keep going x

  3. Just a blip! The secret is not to let a bad moment ruin the whole day and then a whole week. Toning shorts here we come!

  4. So agree with the above comments. You have to look forward to a new day and it is so hard at work. I am stuck on call this week which means I dont get out from 730am till 6pm and temptation is constantly there. I tend to cut down on dinner if I had a transgression at work...!

  5. Your post just made me want to eat a biscuit so I did! now i feel i need to eat another...



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