Sunday 15 December 2013

The Truth About Avocados

Some rights reserved by Janet Hudson

Avocados spark a surprisingly heated debated among healthy eaters. On one hand they are packed full of nutrients, high in fibre and contain a good helping of protein. But on the other hand, they contain a surprising amount of that dreaded word ‘fat’, about 75% in fact. And this is the reason most people think twice before reaching for the guacamole. 

However, it’s important to remember not all fat is bad. Healthy nutrition is all about the right balance and proportion of vitamins and nutrients, together an adequate amount of the three main food groups - carbohydrates, fats and protein. “An ounce of prevention saves a pound of cure” says Dr. Wendy Snell, a private GP at London clinic Blossoms Healthcare, and healthy eating is the first step.

When it comes to avocado nutrition, we need to look at two general food types - calorie dense foods and nutrition dense foods. High Calorie-Low Nutrition foods include most fatty fast foods, fizzy drinks and chips, and are basically “empty calories”. In order to get adequate nutrients in your body, you have to consume much higher quantities of these foods, meaning you are likely to go over your calorie limit. On the other hand, High Nutrition-Low Calorie foods, including berries, spinach and apples, will give you adequate levels of nutrients without pushing on your calorie limit.

Now, when it comes to avocados, these are both nutrition high and calorie high, which isn’t as bad as it sounds. You need a certain calorie intake to meet your body’s energy demands and avocados provide you with this, whilst at the same time topping up your nutrients and vitamins. For vegans and those who eat a lot of high nutrition low calorie foods, avocados are a staple part of their diet to provide them with sufficient calories needed for daily energy.

In the end, we need to remember calories are calories, no matter where they come from. 

Nutrition dense foods, regardless of their calorie value, are always the preferred option but again, within proportion. If you burn 2000 calories a day and eat 2000 calories then you’re at a pretty good balance and will be able to maintain a healthy weight. However, anything over this and you will find your body stores the surplus as fat. 

It all boils down to context and how much you eat of what types of food. 

Even if the extra food you consume is healthy, anything can be fattening if you eat in excess.
This is a commissioned post.


  1. I just love avocado - I had no idea they were calorie high! That is actually useful information to me. I still love them spread on toast mmmm

    1. they're soooooo nutrient dense and full of good fats. Yummy x

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