Thursday 22 August 2013

The Best Days Out are Often Play Dates with Best Friends

My friend recently pointed out to me (on Tuesday) that we have lost a bit of spontaneity in the UK.

Her family has just come back from Ireland where every house has an open door policy and it was a bit of a culture shock to come home, where play dates have to be arranged days/weeks in advance.

But hey, along comes me, and my bad manners to the rescue.  I phone up Tuesday at about 11 a.m. and say "what you doing today?" and then a couple of hours later I am there - well in their local park, not on their doorstep, but one kind of leads to the other.   A play date is a bit like the other dates in the world in that it finishes with "would you like to come back for coffee?" - as with the other type of date, all being well that is.

But as Siobhan is a BFF, it never is just coffee.  She always makes us all dinner, so I made sure I arrived with Rosé.

It was hot Tuesday (and yesterday) but the weather is pants today (cloudy and close/muggy).

Anyway back to Tuesday.  It started for us, with a train journey, then the park, then back to hers, and thanks to the weather, dinner in the great outdoors.

I will miss these sunny lazy carefree days.  Here's the collage:

I am quite proud of my wine photo of the dinner table.  I did the proper focus/defocus thing, which does sometimes work for me, on my new camera.

Anyone reading this, let's enjoy these last few days before nursery/school resumes and Autumn lands on us.

Not long now, so let's enjoy it.  We're promised good weather if we can get today out of the way.

Liska xx


  1. Awww looks like you all had a fab time!!

  2. Lovely! My wee man loves playing with friends and it's always so hard to arrange...shame really!


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