Wednesday 16 February 2011

Togetherness - The Gallery


This week's Gallery theme is togetherness.

Click this image to got to Sticky Fingers and find out more:

The picture I am deciding to post is from yesterday.  Aaron and I went "together" to our first ever Mummy and Baby PR event, and we had a wonderful afternoon.  It was at Nobu no less, in Old Park Lane....... oooohhhhhhh ...... yes the food was AMAZING...

Thank you Sterimar.  We will write about you soooooooooon. Oh and one thing that really stood out: I asked "is the idea that we go away and write about the Company?" to which they said "if you want to".  When they saw my confused face, they qualified with "if it is something you'd like to write about...".  I was impressed girls and it makes me want to write about them all the more... I have used the product on Aaron a few times in the last 24 hours and will continue to do so, to get a good idea before I write about it.

Liska x


  1. Was lovely to meet you and what a gorgeous photo!! I am also very impressed, the sniffles seem less today....coincident as the weather is warmer or Sterimar at work???

  2. Hee hee.
    Thought it was warmer so walked into town to get a toaster and a kettle and although sunny it was bloody freezing!
    The radio said it was 6 degrees which I suppose is hardly Spring weather :-)
    But lovely to get some sun nonetheless.
    Liska x

  3. Your header photo is breathtakingly gorgeous and your togetherness photo is beautiful too, I'm glad you had a good time and look forward to seeing what you write

  4. Hi Liska! Nice to meet you the other day and sorry I didn't get to say goodbye, had to rush back to work after the yummy lunch!! Lovely pic of you and Aaron and he was so well behaved! did you say that your baby sling was called Moby? I'll be looking into getting one in time for baby number two. hope to bump into you somewhere else soon. x


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.