Tuesday 29 March 2011


Time for Metal Mummy's movie meme.

I have spent far tooooooooo long thinking about this one...... favourite chick flick.

I have picked The Devil Wears Prada.

I can relate.  I often work in P.A. second in command roles AND I have had 2 bosses like this.  So much so that the 2nd one bought me a Prada bag (yep a real one) in homage to the film.

I bought it as soon as it came out on DVD.  Actually another movie I did that with, was The Time Traveller's Wife, which I wrote about here.

Bye for now, Liska x


  1. Ooooh great film! I totally forgot about this one.

    Not seen Time Travellers Wife but I've read the book and it's FAB!


  2. Oh and check your gmail honey :) xx

  3. Oh wow, I wish I had a boss who bought me Prada bags!! Don't worry about the Leibster thingy by the way :) xx

  4. I love this movie!

    Mind you, I like most things with Meryl Streep.

    Thanks for linking up again :D x

  5. Ooh I hadn't remembered this one when I was thinking about Chick Flicks.....now I like this movie....and it has good memories attached to it - it was one of the movies I watched on my flight to America when I moved here. Love the clothes and love New York!

  6. Another fab movie choice! agree that Meryl Streep films are usually good. I loved Death Becomes Her xx

  7. Do you know what my husband preferred this film more than I did, strange bloke, I don't know all a bit too much fashion for me, did like it when she went back to proper her at the end though!


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