Tuesday 22 March 2011

Liebster Blog Award and Sharing the Love


The wonderful Carole at carolefindsherwings has kindly just given me a blog award.  It's called the Liebster Blog award.

It’s for people with ‘little’ blogs (less than 300 subscribers) to share blog love and spread the word.

The rules are:

1. Post displaying the award (done), linking back to the person who awarded you (done)
2. Choose your own blog picks (below) and let them know they’re awarded (that'll take a while)
3. Hope everyone discovers some new favourites
4. Revel in the blog love!

I choose to award the following wonderful mummy bloggers:
  1. wouldliketobeayummymummy
  2. sahmlovingit
  3. overthehillmum
  4. qwertymum
  5. grumpinator-theweanmachine
  6. theboyandme
  7. the-gingerbread-house
  8. mummyandthebeastie
  9. insidethewendyhouse
  10. bod-for-tea
  11. i-heart-motherhood
I know that is a long list but 11 is a really good number (see foot note).  Quite a few of those bloggers have a baby boy (like me) so we have that in common.  They are all beautiful bloggers and beautiful people.

Liska x

Foot note:
In numerology the number 11 represents:
  • Higher ideals
  • Invention
  • Refinement
  • Congruency
  • Balance
  • Fulfillment
  • Vision
So I wish those things to my awarded bloggers xxx


  1. Well done! You definately deserve it for sharing the blog love x

  2. Aw, thank you Liska *air kisses* xx

  3. Thank you so much Liska for awarding me one, I feel loved! I shall set about choosing some blogs tomorrow and also get going on the blog about air hostessing...xx

  4. Thanks for the award! Feeling all warm and loved :D Will set about choosing my blogs this week :D

  5. Aw thank you! It came at a good time, feeling very blog loved now lol x

  6. Thanks for the blog love Liska :) xxx

  7. Ah thanks Liska! you're truly a beautiful person! x

  8. I finally did it! I finally completed the meme and shared some blog love - and once again, thank you for awarding me...just sorry it took a while....damn norovirus! xx


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