Thursday 10 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1, 2, 3


Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

I don't feel like I have any reasons to be cheerful today so I am going to have to dig deep.
  1. Aaron's in bed.  Last night and tonight he fell asleep at 9 p.m.  That's early for him and I am delighted.  We need to get into an early to bed early to rise routine.  Sunday morning and Tuesday morning we got up at 7:30 but he still went to bed very late those nights, but yesterday and today we got up at 8:30 and he's now finally going to bed at a reasonable time.
  2. We are going swimming for the first time on Monday.  Luckily Edward and his Mum are coming with us and I am very excited about that.
  3. Aaron's personality is really shining, and he is doing something new nearly every day.  Love him to bits.  Oh and he now gives me loads of hugs and kisses.  Gorgeous boy :-)
  4. Can I sneak in a 4th one, please? Pretty please?  My Aunt came and spent the day with us on Tuesday as she was on a stop over between Ireland and Australia.  This is a picture of Aaron and her.  She is very good with him and he loves her to bits.  He likes her the minute she walks in the room.  It happened in Ireland and again here.  He gives her lots of smiles, laughs, hugs and kisses:

This is a blog hop so hop along to another blog via the linky below, which Mummy from the Heart happily hosts for us all:

Liska xxx
Night night zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Fab reasons, your really getting there with the sleep thing well done you x

  2. There you go - you thought you had none but you had 4! That's gotta make you feel better :)

  3. It is amazing how much there really is to be cheerful about when you let yourself. Hope things are getting better xx

  4. Sending good vibes your way. Well done on the bedtime thing. I never quite nailed this one so you have lots to be cheerful about, believe me.
    Great to have a family member visit too - special memory making.
    My reasons are over at

  5. Glad you had a nice visit with yoru Aunt. Sorry to hear you had to dig deep for your reasons but glad you could find some.

    Enjoy the swimming, make sure you have 2 towels for dryign Aaron, thye get cold so quick. Then I used to have a snack and drink to keep JJ busy while I got dressed.

    Mich x


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