Saturday 26 March 2011

When 1 fat lady is fatter than 2


On 16th March I was weighed (as part of changing GP surgeries) and the nurse informed me that I am 95 kg.

Before I got pregnant I was 88 kg (and I thought THAT was heavy) and I was pleased that at my 6 week check-up after a C-section I was back to 88 kg....

So where has this extra 7 kg come from????  Whoever gave it to me, take it back!

To think, I was slimmer when I was TWO fat ladies (to anyone who hasn't made the connection, in BINGO the number 88 is referred to as two fat ladies).

According to this post in my OLD blog, I was two fate ladies all the way back in 2008.

Oh and Aaron was weighed on Monday, and he was 10.41 kg so it is clearly time to finally pick the next stage up car-seat which we still haven't done.

If a Mummy is reading this, I am open to suggestions on car-seats as I don't know where to start.....

Liska x


  1. Tell me about! I lost all my baby weight in the first 2 weeks and continued to lose more (thanks to breastfeeding!). Since he has started weaning and is taking less milk I can't eat like a pig anymore :( so I am now having to be careful after putting on 10lbs over Christmas. I'm not the smallest of ladies either so can't afford to gain anymore.

  2. hee hee this did make me giggle. I myself have put on weight in the past two months. I have been wondering why, but after reading the comment above I have just realised that Rosie is drinking less milk!! Silly me. That will be why. Anyway healthy eating starts today!!

  3. Me too! healthy eating starts today, or maybe tomorrow I'm having lunch with my friend today, oh and then there's that BBQ on Sunday, and it's the hols next week..........


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