Friday 8 April 2011

Kreativ Blogger


The following lovely bloggers have awarded me a Kreativ Blog Award.

I feel very very loved - much needed - thank you beautiful ladies.
And the rules.....


Link to 10 blogs 
Tell these bloggers about the award
Share 10 facts about myself 
  1. I have a forklift license (it has expired though).  Diesel and electric.
  2. I have one baby.  A beautiful boy Aaron.
  3. I used to be able to down a pint of lager quicker than a boy and my nickname back then was Lager Lager.  It was like a first and surname.  So much so that people would and did abbreviate it to Lager.
  4. The first boy I kissed was called Cormak and we were 4 years old.
  5. I've had my tonsils out.
  6. Despite planning a water birth I had a C-section.
  7. Normally I love life but I am in a low patch at the moment.
  8. I love Japan and spent 16 days there in 2004.  My heart goes out to them at the moment.  I think I would love to be Budhist if I had time to think about it.
  9. I am a bit of a perfectionist.
  10. I am sooooooo tired so am not going to choose my 10 blogs tonight.


  1. Loving the Lager Lager fact. LOL

  2. Just popped over to let you know there is an award waiting for you over at my page

    Sending you some happy thoughts too :-) x

  3. Been thinking about you, hope you are doing Ok?

    Just reminds me I have been awarded this award but can't remember who give it to me, that's bad!

    I also planned a waterbirth and ended up with a section, boo hiss.

    Mich x

  4. Aw thanks Liska! Hope you are feeling ok? We are so alike it's scary! Having a boy a similar age, usually happy but having a low patch, liking Buddhist principles, I had a home waterbirth planned but had to be admitted, love lager although its been a while, I have no tonsils and I too fall victim to perfectionism! I don't have a forklift license and I've never been to Japan but there's time lol! Keep positive, you are a lovely person with a beautiful boy and a fantastic blog which is always one of the first ones I go to read when I sign on! Xx

  5. Forklift Licence!!! You are full of surprises!! xxx


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.