Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Gallery - Dads

Hi All

The theme of this week's Gallery at Sticky Fingers is Dads.

Aaron is 1 year's old today, and below are some pictures from yesterday, where he was walking with his Dad.  He can't yet walk unaided but the fact that he can now walk holding ONE adult hand instead of two is a big "step" forward :-)

So very happy to be 1 year's old

I really love this outfit
I was at work yesterday so Daddy dressed Aaron, and he had never worn this top before, as I had thought it was too large but Daddy always experiments and as it was in the wardrobe on it went and it looks pretty damn fine!  Coordinating beautifully.  Well done Daddy!

If you want to see moving images of this "walk" go to my post from yesterday - just scroll down - not far to go!

This is the t-shirts that they will be wearing on Father's Day :-)

Liska x