Sunday 19 June 2011


I am going to be different this week, and do a post of my own (tomorrow) that I will add to the Linky.

For now, with it being nearly midnight and me having work tomorrow, I simply open the Linky forthwith :-)

For newcomers, below are the criteria
  • You are a Mum
  • With a Mum Tum
  • Who needs some Mumentum to lose weight, get fit, get healthy or ... all 3
  • Please write a relevant post and that is the post that should be added to the Linky.  It can be a slightly older one, if you have a relevant one already, and you can write a fresh one for us next week.
I am not a rules type blogger but last week there were about 8-12 Links that I had to remove and it is tedious so I guess that's why rules get invented and here they are.

Lots of love and I hope you either had a good week, or have plans for having a good week in the coming week.

On my homepage you can find a link to the biogs of people who are already part of Mumentum - we are a friendly bunch.

And if you are looking for daily chat on Twitter we can be found tweeting at #Mumentum.

Bye for now,
Liska xxx