Sunday 5 June 2011

MUMenTUM - Monday Mum Tum


It's that time of the week once again. Mumentum for ladies with a Mum Tum.

I load this on Sunday in case anyone wants to do their Monday post a day early, or tonight.

Since I started saying that this blog hop is open to anyone with a Mum Tum, we've had quite a few new members. And they are lovely ladies too.  I think we had 14 participants in the linky last week, and we have a few new ladies since then.

I add each person to the #Mumemtum list. There's a thing on Twitter called Lists and everyone should be on there.  It means for a new person that you can follow all of us in one click by following the list (I think).

The ladies who have given me their biogs (by email) are also all listed here, with a bit about them that they've each written themselves. The great thing about Mumentum is there is something for everyone. Karen at Would Like to Be a Yummy Mummy is the driven type: exercising properly and eating properly and making FABULOUS progress, so if you are looking for a role model, she's the gal. Then there's Wendy, who's had 5 children, yet has managed to lose 2 out of 3 stone.... I could go on, but their stories are in their biogs so go take a look. We are such a mixed bunch of girls, there really is a friend for everyone.

My problem is candida and I know the weight will drop off when I start fully tackling my diet and the Dida that I bought from Holland & Barrett is really helping.  (I posted about it last week).  I have drastically reduced my bread and coffee intake this past week.  Since taking Dida I have noticed that coffee now makes me feel rubbish so it is obviously detoxing me.

Now, on the horizon, quite a few of us have something called Cybermummy coming up........ Now for this we want to look our best, but it is now - since yesterday - only 3 weeks away, and in the last few weeks I have lost pounds ZERO, so I need to take things a tad more seriously in the next few weeks.  Now some of the comments on Mich's Mummy From The Heart recent post said "what's all the fuss about?" but it is a pride thing rather than a caring what anyone thinks thing. I am not saying that going to Cybermummy is the equivalent of going to a wedding, but I would have liked to have looked like my onscreen self, and not the 7kg extra that I currently am.  I had lived with being 88kg for the last few years, but now I am 95kg and that's not cool! Hi Mich by the way.  I know you are joining us this week and I am looking forward to having you with us.

Just to prove I am not expecting to be a supermodel, above is July 2009, and I was a size 16 (compared to the current size 18) and I like how I look.  I am not a person who expects to be wafer thin.  Far from it......

I would love to write inspiring posts about all the exercising I am doing, but I am just not.  Not getting the chance either....... Trying to think of a way of fitting yoga back into my life as I taught yoga from 2004 to 2010.  Even taught it while I was pregnant until I was 36 or 37 weeks... I should just try doing it with Aaron in the room and see what he makes of that.  It's not as if I have even tried.  He may enjoy clambering around trying to copy me.  I owe it to myself to at least give it a try.

I may just go and re-read all of Karen's posts to see how she manages to exercise with two little girls, after all there is only 2 weeks in the difference between her Rosie and my Aaron, and her fitness posts are easy to find as they are all listed here.  As you can see there, she's been at it for 18 weeks and is self-disciplined, so no wonder she has seen results.  Another one who is managing to get some exercise in is our very own Claire at Grumpinator.

Mumentum is managing to attract the attention of companies. A few of us were invited to the Nivea Your Shape event, and we are all being given free Hot Pants.  We love Hot Pants but are desperate for them to arrive.......... please Hot Pant man get them in the post, so we can see results before Cybermummy.  Hot Pants are even sponsoring Claire.

This is a blog hop, so if you are participating feel free to grab the code for the bottom of your post.

I don't really do rules, but if you are entering the linky, it should be with a link to a post, that is relevant to Mumentum.  Say hello on Twitter or in the comments.

Have a good week.

Bye for now, Liska xxxxx

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