Monday 1 August 2011

CHURCH - and how I have Surprised Myself...


Anyone who knows me knows that despite being raised a Catholic I am spiritual rather than Christian.  I would rather do a meditation and yoga than go to church.


A few weeks ago I went to church to ask about getting Aaron baptised and the priest said I would need to go to Church as that is where I would get the newsletter that would announce when the course was, which was a prerequisite to having the baptism.

I have been going for the last few weeks. But the first time the course was announced it was announced for 10th July which clashed with our Derby weekend away (which I still haven't blogged about).

Anyway I have carried on going and there are usually 7 hymns during mass, all of which I sing at the top of my voice. Me and Aaron go and I am starting (despite myself) to LOVE it.

The first week I went, everytime I sung I cried - it was like the singing or the words or both, touched my soul. So I always sit next to the choir and sing alongside them.

Sadly there is no choir for the Summer school hols, and this was the first week without them, but I just listened to all the words during the mass more.

I have been feeling terribly lonely lately (my PND is back) and so on the way to church this Sunday I said to myself God if you are listening, let me get talking to someone outside Church. I knew it'd be a challenge for the big guy cos being London everyone just rushes out and heads off. This isn't Ireland where people stand around having the craic for 30 mins outside mass.

Anyway I got talking to TWO people and one of them because she has the identical pushchair to me. Now that is rare as in 13 months of Aaron's life I have not seen anyone with that pushchair and I look at everyone who walks passed us.

So, is that a sign that he was answering my prayer? Maybe as we both went to the 12:30 mass and we BOTH nearly went to the 11 o'clock but neither of us did :-)

I like most people haven't liked a lot of what has been going on in the church in recent years, and I never expected to suddenly start to enjoy attending church but I am going to go with it and see where it takes me.

I have blogged a lot less lately as the husband in Derby and the days before and after made lots of snipes that I blog too much BUT, you know what, me blogging less has not at all increased the amount of time we have together....... in fact it has just highlighted to me how much time he spends on computer and reminded me why I started blogging in the 1st place.

I made sure we had a "family" day today though and we took Aaron to the soft play area followed by swimming, followed by a walk in the park and I really enjoyed it.

Swimming is a big deal as it is only the 2nd time I have taken Aaron but it was a piece of cake so I will be doing it again very soon.

Liska xx