Monday 19 September 2011

MUMenTUM - Monday Mum Tum

Hi Everyone

Apologies that I did not open this Linky yesterday so that you could do it whatever time today you wanted.

I will get back to being organised I promise.

Anyway, I have finally started.

I am now having porridge for breakfast instead of toast (which always comes with Nutella or lately jam) and I am having proper saucepan cooked porridge, as I believe microwaves should be used as little as possible - if at all. I believe giving up bread will kickstart my progress.

I am giving up latte, and crisps, and alcohol and and and and, but the most important thing is I have begun. Today was my 2nd day in a row of a healthy home cooked meal by yours truly.

I have started :-)

Latte is history

My favourite bread has been "fired"

Porridge is now breakfast number 01

I hope to be able to report back next week with a few pounds off.  I feel like I need to make a pledge so that I won't let you all down.  I pledge to have lost 3 pounds (minimum) by this time next week.

Here is the linky (grab the code to put on the bottom of your post as that is what makes it a blog hop):