Tuesday 9 October 2012

Ready For Toilet / Potty Training

It was never ever about Aaron being ready - it was me!  It was always about me!

Now, kicking and screaming, I am reluctantly ready.  Hey in 7 days he will be 28 months!!!!! It is - to be honest - about time too!

My Great Aunt who is normally "don't worry! Don't worry!" about most things even told me my cousin, who herself is now nearly 50, was being toilet trained at 11 months and dry by 13 months.  Eeek, so 2 generations before me, my family was more efficient brave!

So I went off to Argos on Sunday and got this:

But the seat goes UNDER your seat and it did NOT fit in ours.  So I will be needing to get a refund!

Plus I have always known I want to go straight to toilet, bypassing potty, and I knew I wanted a cushioned seat.  When I say I, I mean for Aaron, obviously ;-)

I was meant to toilet train Aaron in Summer, and because I bottled out, delayed, he is now finding the seat incredibly cold, and the above would not help.

Now the beauty of the above is that you get all 3 of those in a set for £9.99.  I should have known it was too cheap to work LOL!  I did get other bargains in Argos whilst there, which I will save for another blog post.  Don't get me wrong, all products are being put to good use, but I won't be blogging about them just yet.

Anyway, due to the seat not fitting our toilet seat, I today went to Mothercare this afternoon, where they are doing 3 for 2 and I bought these:

Please ignore the dust chalky marks on the floor where my floor polish has one funny.

They are pricey to be honest even with the 3 for 2 offer but I justified it by the fact that I nearly bought Aaron Hunter wellies for £28, whereas in Mothercare I got the wellies for £12 and he will LOVE them as he is all about Thomas (by the way why is Thomas now called Thomas & Friends? I personally can't get out of the habit of saying Thomas The Tank Engine!)

So as you can see the above toilet seat goes OVER ours instead of UNDER like the Argos one.  It is cushioned just like I wanted BUT is £16.99.  The potty and the stool are each £7.99 so it was one of them I got free.  I would have preferred if the stool was a half moon shape instead of round, but I wasn't going to walk away on that basis as I have been putting off this potty / toilet training malarchy for long enough!!!!!

I just Googled toilet training for the first time.  I had previously been too in denial to even do that.

The first thing that came up was this Huggies Pull Ups website.  The video is too brief and not at all helpful, but I am delighted by the advice that you CAN train straight through to toilet as intuitively THAT is exactly what I would like to do.

The website says:
Choosing to go straight to the toilet:

Your toddler will already be familiar with you using the toilet
You make the transition to the toilet without the middle step of using a potty.
Easy to flush away the 'mess' rather than having to clean it out of the potty
Your toddler may feel more like a BIG KID by using the toilet like other members of the family.
Your toddler will not be so daunted about going to the toilet when out and about without their potty.
Toilet seat inserts are lightweight and portable.

Can be daunting
Flushing can frighten some kids
Requires parental assistance to get on and off
Anyway, wish me us luck.

Liska xxx


  1. Both mine went straight to the toilet with no potty. I couldn't be bothered will all the palaver. both have been fascinated with flushing - as long they do it! The advice I was given was to put them in pants, let them wee and poo in them - only happens a couple of times coz they hate wee running down their leg and poo in their pants. Worked a treat with both mine - really easy - and coxz I'm ALWAYS in the loo they were already familiar with public ones. Good luck. PS My second one couldnt get his pooey pants off quick enough and we ended up with poo all up the walls and it put me right off Nutella! He never did it again tho! ;)

  2. Hey lovely,
    I know I am a pathetic excuse for a blogging friend and where have I been you ask? This working malarky is taking it's toll on me and I'm barely feeding myself at the moment. I started toilet training on Monday but I've decided to stop because JC isn't ready. He doesn't even realise that he is peeing and it's distressing him. He started holding in his poo and caused really bad constipation. I am going to wait until the Easter and try again unless he instigates it before then. Good luck with Aaron, hopefully it will all go smoothly for him (you!) xxx


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