Tuesday 13 November 2012

People Make The World Go Round

My blog post on Mumsnet Blogfest did not tell the whole story.  Far from it.  My post was just a "I came, I saw, I learned" post.  What a missed opportunity.  But here's the good thing.  When you blog, you have more than one bite of the cherry.  The Daily Mail might not let Liz Jones write about Musnet Blogfest again, but the beauty of having your own space on the world wide web is that you can say what you want, when you want, how often you want, and hey, Liz, guess what?!?!? Here's the thing! WE don't have Editors.  We hit publish, not send!  AND we write for free so are free to say what we like!  So you know the way you said that we are wearing burkas rather than using our ability to exploit free speech... well like with many things you said, you were just plain wrong.

But you know what I have learned from Kundalini Yoga, and my work on "energy" in general?  When you have an energetic imbalance in a part of your body, this then manifests itself in the physical.  I don't want to make fun of the fact that it was clear you couldn't hear on Saturday, but it goes without saying that you got through the whole session by lip reading.  So that means you have a problem with listening... hmmmm! Having read what you've written, I'd agree that's most certainly the case.  You *perhaps* mingled in the crowds, but surviving on lip reading alone, would have left the audible buzz far from your reach, which is why what you wrote did not quite measure up to the intelligent discussion that was going on around you as you mingled.  And actually, maybe you didn't mingle at all, maybe as this first hand account from one of the blogs you name dropped demonstrates, you didn't even eavesdrop; you resorted to discreetly viewing and mis-remembering a name badge! Shame on you, but I admire your skill at finding out attendees names without having to stoop to actually having to speak to them. God forbid you'd do that!  Anyway, the lady at Mush Brained Ramblings is rather beautiful, and I DID speak to her, in the champagne lounge, post event, for quite some time in fact, but I wouldn't recommend it to you, as you'd have had to smile, and as we saw on Saturday you just don't do that do you!!

Anyway, this is not what this post is for.  This post is for me to talk about beautiful people, but Mush Brained Ramblings is a nice tie in to that, rather like when a DJ mixes two toons before playing the next one :-)

I want to talk about the people.  The people that I met.  Because some beautiful things happened.  I don't know if I would have opened up enough to talk about it here, but having read this post: connections made at blogfest, I just have to.  As that author says, she met amazing people who were quite literally right up her street (nearly) and one who'd even seen her yarn bomb.  How cool is THAT!

So, I was with Anya, from Older Single Mum, which is a story in itself, and I was telling her how I will be having my blog redesigned some time after 19th November, and then I said, if I really want to do what I should be doing (my life's work) I should get a certain domain done, instead of wasting the efforts having this here blog overhauled.  Anyhow, the domain I speak of is for Kundalini Yoga, and I have owned it for 3 months and not done anything with it, even though I KNOW I am meant to.  Right after I said those words, the person walking to the lift ahead of us turned right round and spoke to me.  I'd done my pregnancy yoga teacher training with her.  Now my real life and my blog life never collide let alone my Kundalini life, especially given that I haven't taught or struck a pose since Aaron was born (despite teaching for 6 years right up to 38 weeks pregnant).  Having her there, having her turn round, having her talk to me, felt like God was holding me to account, telling me to GET ON WITH IT.

Now that's a little deep, but then I read the Crochetime blog I linked to above and realised THESE coincidences DO happen, and just like the people she met were tailor made for her, mine were tailor made for me.

But that leaves me now in the knowledge that I do have to get on with it.  Be the person God (or my "higher self") intended.  Do the work that would help others.  Stop languishing and feeling sorry for myself, and most importantly, get the yoga mat out.

I did a vlog a few weeks ago, and Midlife Single Mum commented and asked me to do more of the same, and all I did was share a few breathing techniques.  Rachel saying THAT inspired me.  BUT did I act on it? No! Which is why I am being given another nudge.

Well here are a few out and out nudges I am going to give myself:
  • I'll get that website up and running.
  • I'll plot my progress on there to show an unfit Mum, not only picking up her pre-baby yoga lifestyle but using it to help others.
  • Using it to prevent others from experiencing the PND that I did.
  • Using it to get women (hopefully Mums) together, from all over the world to experience breathing, yoga and meditation techniques that are profound and life changing.
  • Older Single Mum also has plans, (for the New Year) also of the spiritual kind.  Perhaps we could mentor each other to ensure that neither of us lets life get in the way.  
  • Months ago I was getting little nudges along my path from the Mummy Whisperer, so I would quite like to involve her in some way.
  • I don't want to just run the website domain (that I am yet to launch) I also.... drum roll... would like to run some retreats, but here I go, into the scary arena where I tell myself I am not good enough, which is why NONE of the above has happened yet.  I am VERY good at self-sabotaging and procrastinating.  I do take action, often, on all the wrong things.
  • I write the above to hold myself to account.  Let's see if it works.
  • OH and I used to read books about affirmations, but now I consider them old hat and very 80s.  How naughty of me when I know how profound and truly transformational they can be.  Even Olympic athletes have affirmations running through their heads (knowingly and unknowingly) and yet look what I had written in red above.....
  • So here, live on the screen let me try and turn that all around:
  • I am good enough!
  • It all WILL happen!
  • I am very good at being creative and making things happen.
  • In fact I am a doer and a finisher.  A project leader and an action taker!
  • When I take action it is on all of the right things.
  • Am I feeling it? No, but like Caitlin Moran said (at least I think she did), I am sure she said something along the lines of fake it till you make it :-)
Oh and P.S. you didn't know I was on Twitter? Well you do now: @NewMumOnline
Liska xx


  1. I'll follow your yoga intructions and expalnations if you post them. I have no idea what kundalini is but I'm willing to learn about it. Thanks for the mention - I'm always good for nudge if you need one. Good luck with your leap forward. Maybe this could be your job instead of working in an office. Maybe this is what your redundancy was for - free you up for your yoga career?

  2. I'm soooooo happy that my post could inspire such things as you've written about. I wish you all the success in the world for the website and the retreats. You have the right attittude and you know what you've been doing "wrong" (although there is no wrong, only what feels right for you at the time). Did you see the quote I posted on the How to get published break-out session? If not, here it is: "Imagination is everything. It is a preview of life's coming attractions." Imagine yourself as the owner of that website, posting details about coming retreats, leading those retreats and see all the happy smiling faces looking back at you from their yoga mats, and you're more than halfway there!

  3. This is a wonderful, extraordinary post about a wonderful, extraordinary day. Yes we discussed much in common and how we 'happened' to be sat next to each other before a different conference, but didn't dicover our spiritual compatabilities until later on. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together, can't believe you announced my plans before I have and will have to get on with them now, like you will! LOL. ;)

  4. OSM - Liska just whetted out appetites about your plans. Now I'm waiting excitedly to hear the details. Good luck to you too.

    1. Thank you. She's ahead of me! Will let you know what I'm doing when I do!


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