Saturday 12 January 2013

Make A Change - start with the person in the mirror - New Year New You LINKY

If you wanna make the world a better place, then look at yourself and make that change!

Michael Jackson's Man In the Mirror - You Tube Video WITH LYRICS

I have done a lot of soul searching today, and mostly hummed the above, a lot.

Had to hum it because as much as I have heard it through the years, I did not know the lyrics.

Please watch the above you tube video; if you are like me, you know the song really well but NOT the lyrics.

That's why I have chosen a you tube vid that comes with them :-)

Look how apt they are, even to the point of putting on a winter coat (it is VERY cold out there right now).

Anyway, I found that the time I was spending online was not doing anybody any good, and hey, if it is not improving the world of you or your readers why bother. So no more!

I am entering a new world.  My new home is over at Conscious Mum, but I will of course still blog here too.

So, what change are YOU making? What is your person in the mirror up to? What have the winds of change blown up or blown away for you? If you have a new website, new blog, or a blog post that shows you've made a change, feel free to link it up below.

I know there is a whole new vibe in the blogging world at present and it is heart warming to see.

While I was writing this post I felt inspired to write a poem, so I just rustled up the below.

Forgive me it was done quickly and with Ice Age 4 on in the background it is not necessarily a literary masterpiece but hopefully it gives you an insight into my feelings.

I want to feel uplifted
When I come online
I want to feel connected
To know I will be fine
I want to find the friendships
That keep me warm inside
I want to go on out there
And no longer want to hide
I want to find some people
Who like me feel the same
I want to get to know you
and be glad that you came
So pull up a chair
take a seat,
Let's laugh a while,
Let's have a brew
Let's go online
Let's be sublime
Let's laugh
Let's be as NEW

The linky is here:

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Bye for now,
Liska xx


  1. I always enjoy the fresh start a new year brings, like wiping the slate clean. Hope that making the changes you have will help you to be happier when you're hear. will pop over and see the new blog. x

  2. I did mean here not hear. Doh!

  3. No worries - I HEAR ya! LOL!

    Thank you for visiting, commenting and for the planned visit to the "other" blog :-)

    Liska xx

  4. Your new blog looks lovely - could you put an subscription box on it too???

    1. There is a subscribe by email box. It's been there since the beginning - is that what you mean? Liska x

  5. This is the most uplifting thing I've read in ages. I love your poem - so sincere - like you my dear. Am struggling to be on line myself lately and I, too, would like to subscribe to your new blog. In the mean time, am adding my new one to your Linky. XX

    1. I am sure there is a subscribe by email box. It is to the right of the slideshow. There are 2 subscribers so far and one of them is me LOL.
      Thank you for saying it is uplifting as that is how I would like to feel when I come online, and would like to do that for others over at Conscious Mum.

      Liska xx


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.