Wednesday 13 February 2013

When Doing Maths Hurts Like Hell

I have been out of work for nearly 8 months.

The redundancy money is like, gone!

I have my first ever second interview tomorrow, Friday.

It will pay less for 5 days than I used to get for 3.

There's a recession don't you know.

AND I am qualified by experience and don't have the bit. of. paper!

So, if I am successful - ha ha the irony - on Friday, I will clear £300 a week, £250 of which will go on childcare....

Doing the maths hurts my head.

So today with renewed gusto, I went on a freelance website, that I haven't been on in months, and in 20 minutes I wrote a Valentine's poem for someone, someone's wife.  I was paid £7 for 20 minutes work.

I hope she likes it.

I wish maths did not hurt my head so much.
I wish I worked long hours to get qualified instead of spending 14 hour days, where I started my duties only once my boss had gone home/Waitrose/the gym!

Yes, I am a. little. bit. bitter.

It's my blog, allow me that.

Maths IS hurting my head.

I wish the numbers stacked up...


  1. Best of luck for you on Friday, great poem too!

  2. Good Luck for Friday - if it makes you feel better Maths hurts my head too :( x

  3. You are not so old that you couldn't get some qualifications now. I know you have all the experience which is worth far more to a boss than a certificate but they do like those pieces of paper unfortunately. I love maths and it's not the numbers that son't make sense - it's the system. We have subsidised childcare for working mothers from age 6 months (if you don't work you pay full price) and the economy benefits from more people in work.

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