Monday 13 May 2013

The Boat Journey and Magic Moments

I am joining up with the Oliver's Madhouse Magic Moments linky

Every time me and Aaron go to Ireland we go by plane. He knows the drill, so do I.  We've got it down. We travel alone. We manage.  We are near an airport and the other side, so is my Mum.

So it was with a great deal of trepidation that we embarked on a boat journey which also includes hours and hours in the car.  We were going to a wedding in Ireland and I had no money for the flights, so we asked if we could join my Dad and his wife in the car, being that the wedding was on my Dad's side of the family.

It was a magic moment when the journey begun and Aaron seemed to be quite happy - seemed he would be a great traveller/sailor.

Of course it was the portable DVD player that was many times a life saver, there and back.

He was very excited when we arrived at Holyhead and he could see the boats.

Looking out the window on the boat was a huge novelty.

It was a BEAUTIFUL day for setting sail:

So I took Aaron out on deck, thinking my run around boy would run around. OH NO!

It's too windy Mummy.  Or more like: "It's too windy Mummmmmaaaaayyyy!"

So our next magic moment was him finally settling down for some "me time" [below] so I could hear myself think for 5 minutes!

Look how tranquil he is [above] sitting by the sea.  The boat was relatively empty given that it was May and not August :-)

The real magic moment on any boat journey of course, is when you SEE LAND! Which in this case was Dublin Port.

The arch shown above is NOT on the horizon. It is the "mouth" of the boat opening to let the cars out.  Aaron was fascinated watching it rise.  So much so, that on the way back, when we discovered we were sitting at the wrong end, he wanted us to relocate our seats - errr no! ;-)

There were lots of magic moments on our 8 day holiday but despite leaving Ireland Friday, and it now being MONDAY I am still shattered!  Aaron and Daddy have just this minute gone out and I am too tired to get dressed to join them.  I think I will have a hot bath.

Liska xx


  1. Looks like quite a trip. I used to regularly go on a 7 hour train journey to see my sister with my son when he was that age. It was magical at times, but hard work too.

  2. My two love the ferry ride to the Isle of Wight but I'm very glad it's only an hour!

    1. Oh my Dad likes the slow sailing so on the way over it was 13:50 for 3 hrs 15 mins having left home at 06:15 (well his house, we left mine at 05:15)...
      On the way back it was 15:10 having left Mayo/Ireland at 11:04...
      That night we stayed the night in Holyhead, and left the B&B at 10:20 for a 6 hour journey home.
      I am only starting to recover today, after setting off morning of 10th May.

  3. Ahha! Wondered were you have been. Glad you survived the journey! Having done many long journeys with my wee man I certainly understand the stress that can be involved. When it goes well it certainly is magical! When people are all so willing to help as well has always surprised me! I hope you had fun in Ireland and I hope we will be hearing about it soon!

  4. This is fab! what a great traveler he is! i do hope the wedding went aswell as the journey!

    Thanks for linking up with #magicmoments

  5. Looks like an exciting start to your holidays

  6. What a fab time you all had - what a fab adventure for Aaron. Hope you had a great time at the wedding too! :o).


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