Sunday 24 November 2013

There's Grass and then there's grass!

I am not in any way green fingered.  I can hold all ten of my fingers, or rather 8 fingers and 2 toes thumbs up for inspection and you will indeed see, nowt green there! I have. no. interest. whatsoever!

The length and breadth of my gardening for the Summer was adding these stickers to our wheelie bins, see below.  Does that count as gardening? No, I didn't think so either but it was worth a try and Daddy & Aaron love them.  It certainly makes retrieving our bin easier when the bin men dump ours next to our neighbours, and given the lack of colour in our garden - not a flower in sight -gives a bit of joviality to the place.  Much needed now the paddling pool is in the attic.... #violins!!!

See the issue with our garden is two-fold.  Once upon a time when I had a great salary and job (pre-SAHM) I did such long hours it was like "garden, what garden?!"  Home was just a place I ate, slept and watched TV.  Then along comes Aaron and it all changes.  Ooops I digress.  The other half of the two-foldedness ness ness is that our garden is shared, with the other flat downstairs.  So, I've never really bothered.  Once upon a time it was my job and mine alone, to mow the lawn but I haven't even done that in years and that's long since been the hubby's domain.

Anyhow, if we move, I will be getting a garden that is good to go, low maintenance, with a beautiful lawn or perhaps I might just get artificial grass! I have seen it at Aaron's nursery.  It's lovely and green and you don't have to worry about getting a dirty bum if you sit on it!

The main thing our current garden needs is a Tree Surgeon, but *we* have pruned the trees back, or having said that they look hacked don't they :-(  The bottoms of them are smothered covered in ivy, which I quite like but no doubt, someone green fingered will tell me it is not good!

As you'll see below (in addition to the hacked pruned trees and smothering ivy) there is lots of green but it isn't necessarily grass!  I used to be a DIY Manager in Homebase, many moons ago, when it was a blue chip company dahling! and owned by Sainsbury's.  NOT the same now! Anyhow we had to learn about gardening also (at least us Management Trainees did) and I can tell, from what I see that we would need a few bottles/tubs of weed killer.  Our side has a lawn, if you can call it that (well it gave the paddling pool some cushioning :-) but downstairs' side is quite lean, being barren soil with some green "stuff" on it.  It'd make a lovely big lawn if both sides were consistent, but hey, we don't have the interest.  Maybe it should be artificial grass after all.  Before I head off to do a collage of our garden in sunnier times, which might finish off and warm up this post nicely, I will let you know where you can get some tips for getting your garden ready for the colder months.  Well, they've already begun haven't they Bbbbbbbrrrr! Wrap up warm my friends!  God almighty, apparently I should be getting on my jacket and boots and getting all of these winter gardening tasks done!

Let's look forward to Summer hey when I've either got a new house/garden or some artificial grass!

But Summer comes with its own problems. Lots of yellow grass and hose pipe bans!

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