Saturday 21 December 2013

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

We finally did our tree only this week, only a few days ago.  The husband got everything down from the attic, and adorned the windows with lights.

I dressed the tree, while Aaron watched; he passed me some baubles and loved the end result:

Our lights on the sitting room window are 4 sets of Ikea lights that we got years and years ago and they are still going strong.  In the photos above it is daylight.  You'd think they'd only look good on, at night, but not so.  They're beautiful as any sunlight at all makes them look all sparkly and they make beautiful shadows on the sitting room wall.  Aaron didn't pay much heed to them last year but this year he is very taken with them.

So that he would be good while I decorated, I told him that Santa only comes to houses that have trees and decorations.  Bless him he remarks on every house we pass now.

Social media has been awash with Christmas craft/baking. Either people making Xmas cakes or mince pies, which we always buy, or people making crackers or homemade cards; again, shop bought all the way for us!  I have an aversion (block) to  crafting or baking with Aaron and I have absolutely no idea why.  I baked all the way through University whenever I was meant to be revising, and I got As all the way in Art at school, so I don't honestly know what my issue is.

One summary of craft ideas for Christmas that seems really straight forward is this one from Cotton Traders: 6 Easy Christmas Craft Ideas.  See EVEN I could do THOSE!  It links through to an article on How to Make Your Own Christmas Crackers which is also really straight forward - maybe there is hope for me yet!

Anything you are allergic to?  Are you a Craft Queen or a Craft Virgin?

Bye for now, Liska

I was NOT compensated to write this post! Merry Christmas! xxx 


  1. Would you say Christmas is quite a big deal in your house? ;) Have a very merry one! xxx

    1. eh? I would like it to be, but we only did the decs a couple of days ago whereas I saw people putting trees up in November on Facebook and latest for most people seemed to be 1st December, so I thought you'd think the opposite.
      Liska xxx

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