Tuesday 3 December 2013

Paul Frank Rocks!

A few weeks ago on the Brit Mums' Community a blogging event was advertised.  Well, it was a press event really but bloggers were welcome.  Mainly, as parent bloggers, because Paul Frank has just launched a kids range.  H&M stocks some of it.  However, you can see a great deal on their very own Paul Frank website.

So I went along despite the one day travelcard of £9 being a large expense at the moment - oh how times have changed, and boy am I glad I did.

The range rocks, and I was able to take away a few samples.

Any Paul Frank fans reading this?  Have a looksie:

The PJs illuminated in sun rays at the bottom are mine which I wear at the same time as Aaron, and we look like twins. Rest I gave to 2 of my nieces.
The event was laid out beautifully and the cupcakes were to die for - really buttery.  I got to meet the childrenswear designer - that's her below, picking out samples.

I would really recommend a Paul Frank Xmas purchase for the cheeky monkey in YOUR life ;-)  The range is really extensive and far from stops at clothing... There's electronics, home, bedding etc etc etc... You can even buy a bedroom in a box!
It was just a brief encounter, a lunch time affair but for one hour I was immersed in all things Paul Frank, and I have now discovered their website is now transactional, so you could do some Christmas online browsing over there....
Aaron and I are definitely fans, and I think they have really got their children's range right. What do you think?

Bye for now,

Liska xxx

Disclosure: I attended the event and took away a few samples.  I was not asked to write this post and all words/opinions are my own.


  1. oh those clothes are really lovely! i like the onesie the most! x


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