Wednesday 4 December 2013

Wednesday's Words and a Plea

This post comes with a plea.  I am hooking up with Emma's Wednesday's Words:

She's also known as Radioactive Mum, which will become clear if you go over and read her poignant poem.  I am so glad that she is back to cuddling her 3 gorgeous children, and can eat normally again. 

Wednesday Words

The reason I said that this post comes with a plea is because the poem I am PARTLY enclosing below, is from a With Love at Christmas e-book that another Emma put together - Kerry's friend and co-founder of Science Sparks.

Emma canvassed us bloggers, who were friends of Multiple Mummy to ask us to submit something Christmassy and Crafty (27 bits and bobs of interest in there) but as I am allergic to craft, I submitted a poem, which is on the inside back cover.

I will give you a taster of the first few stanzas, in the hope that you head over to purchase the e-book.  If you do, you will get to see all the fun stuff the other bloggers submitted and Addenbrookes who looked after our Multiple Mummy so well will receive the £3.50 that the book costs.

It is a timely poem, and e-book given that we lost our precious Multiple Mummy nearly a year ago on Friday 14th December 2012.

A Christmas Poem for Multiple Mummy

Xmas will always be a time to remember 
The month we lost a blogging member.

One of the finest, a smiler for sure, 
A little celebrity, who was never a bore. 

She lit up the web like she lit up a room, 
For her there was never any gloom or doom. 

Her faith was intact and so was her passion 
If you liaised with her, you got back enthusiasm 

Nobody's replaced her, there's a void and a hole
Luckily heaven's the better for receiving her soul. 

She blessed us for sure by being a friend, 
that's why we can never call it the end. 

For life's eternal and so is her legacy...


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you - hopefully you will get to read the rest xxxxx

  2. A beautiful poem. I never had the chance to meet Kerry, but her blog was one of the first I read as a newbie, because of the twin mummy link. I hope to buy this book soon. Thankyou for joining in with #WednesdayWords xx


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