Wednesday 22 January 2014

Because Boys Can Indeed be Beautiful - The Photo Gallery

When I was trying to conceive, it was with a girl in mind.  Right up until the 20 week scan we thought we were having "Lottie" and then boom, it's a boy!  We named him the same day as the scan and he's been Aaron ever since.  EVERY time a colleague spoke about my bump thereafter, I would stroke my bump, and always, somewhere in the ensuing sentence the word "beautiful" would appear.  Normally I would just have a wistful gaze and say "he's beautiful".  It was like the more I said it, the more likely it was that he would be.  I was already a proud Mother of a bump.

If you'd told me pre-motherhood (and I believe you are a mother from when you fall pregnant, rather than from when you give birth) that boys can be beautiful I would not have believed you.  BUT I always referred to my tummy Aaron as a beautiful boy.

When he went through that colic phase, I would pace the corridor, with him over my shoulder, stroking his back, singing a song called "beautiful boy" that I made up (words and melody) - I hope I can one day find the recording of it.  To me, he really is beautiful.  If you are a girl Mum you may not understand it.  Here is a photo that doesn't strike you as "beautiful" at first glance, but look more closely.

I just love this photo for so many reasons, many of which I can't even put into words.  This photo was taken at Paradise Wildlife Park.  We spent a whole day there on 1st November with Aaron's cousins, and despite only being 3 years of age, he didn't get tired as he traversed the whole park on his trusty bike.  I am not even good at photography, but this photo to me is strikingly beautiful, I think because the camera stepped up to the moment.

I feel like, in this photo, I have captured the very essence of him.  The fact that something interesting will literally stop him in his tracks, like the world's stood still.  His balance as he concentrates is awesome.  He is better at making adjustments for posture, or weight, or reach, or comfort than me.  So very self-aware.  He has total 100% faith that we will wait for him, and that he can enjoy his moment.   He really is beautiful.

He effortlessly coordinates his clothes with little effort from me or him.  I have started to see a pattern, but my seeing it has only happened retrospectively.  I now see, that Aaron has a seasonal colour.  It is like he draws that colour to him.  I'll grab things from the wardrobe and only later notice how incredibly coordinated he is.  We went to Ireland for a wedding in September, and the lining of his hood matched the colour of his (pretend Primark) "converse".  He is always stylish; always beautiful.

My boy!

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery


  1. Ah what a cute little boy. He looks one sharp dude lol

  2. Oh wow, he really is beautiful. As are your photos and words. What a lovely post. x

  3. I'm the mother of a girl and I've never had any doubt that boys can be beautiful. Like girls, some are more beautiful than others. You got lucky! :)

    1. Yes I got VERY lucky - you did too girlfriend! x

  4. Awww what a lovely tribute to your son, I have two boys and totally agree boys can be beautiful too

  5. Its those photos that capture a moment. Beautiful

    1. Thanks - visited both your blogs back - LOVE the pic of Barbados #dreams x

  6. Oh, those curls, so cute! What beautiful pictures.

    1. Thank you - just visited back and your photos are stunning - love the Yorkshire Dales which remind me of Ireland xx

  7. What a cutie - love the bike photo #ThePhotoGallery


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