Friday 30 May 2014

The Great Outdoors. Bike rides with a 3 year old. Cycling to the Farm.

We've always been very outdoorsie Aaron and I.  Very intrepid and weather on the whole doesn't stop us going anywhere and good weather, gets us going everywhere!

But now that he's on a 16 inch Avigo big boy bike, I have dusted down mine, which I hadn't ridden since pre-Motherhood and now there's literally no stopping us. I am used to not using umbrellas as I couldn't hold one and push a buggy, so the bike's the same drill. All we need is a water proof jacket each and hoods! Always have a hood when the weather looks like there's a chance of rain. We're saving money on bus fares as the bikes are taking us all over. My country kid is a natural on his bike. Very proud of him.

I wish I had chance to join in with #countryKids every week. I will certainly try to from now on.

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 
I have some perfect material this time :-) A recent bike ride about a week ago, saw us heading off to a farm. Aaron was disappointed though as all of the animals had already been put away when we arrived. We got there as they were closing. They were nice enough to still let us look around though:

Aaron, being that it was daylight, was in disbelief that the animals were in bed so he literally walked up to every closed door, closed coop or closed shed, trying to see could he hear animals, or perhaps peek inside bless him:

He was very thorough in his search for animals. No stone was left unturned:

A closed gate wasn't going to slow down his intensive search either:

He continued to search, with his serious face on. I just quietly followed and enjoyed the scenery, whilst grabbing each and every photo opportunity I could:

Once he realised that the Farmer was right, ALL of the animals were indeed put away, and unlike Aaron himself they were asleep BEFORE dark, his sad face started to appear:

I'll always class it as a successful visit, as we got some beautiful photos and we now know we can cycle there.

These were taken on the same hill at the same time, but just because of the difference of a few feet, which effected the lighting, look at the difference in shade/shadows:

I think I would love that last photo on a canvas. It's always the moody scenic shots of Aaron that I love, and not necessarily the cheesy grin ones, although clearly they are lovely too.

It's these scenic ones that I will look at fondly in my old age I think. Aaron often leads the way, apart from when he's tired or stopping to look at each and every snail, so this is often my view of him, so here you are seeing Aaron from my eyes. My tall 3 (soon to be 4 year old) whose had TWO growth spurts in recent weeks. Did you know that can cause them to trip on their own feet? He only did it for a few days, but I was REALLY relieved when nursery informed me that was the reason. I worked in the footwear industry for 6 years, so I am thinking it must be his proprioception having to catch up with the adjusted size of his body/length of his legs.

Bye for now,
Liska xxx
@NewMumOnline on Twitter << follow me :-)


  1. Lovely photos! Cycling to the farm sounds so nice, I'm so impressed with Aarons cycling (saw the videos on facebook) none of mine can cycle that well!!

    Anna (intheplayroom)

    1. ah thank you. Learning to ride only took him 45 mins (no stabilizers involved) because he'd done 10 months on a balance bike. They REALLY do work. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Liska x

  2. N doesn't get the going to sleep when it's light either. Although our chickens get out away a bit later. Nice that they let you still look round.

    1. You have chickens? Oh how wonderful. Liska xx

  3. I have a silmilar view of my children. So often they are ahead of me. Usually much further ahead, as they are older. Aaron does have a disappointed face. I hope he visits the animals soon. #CountryKids

    1. What I failed to mention is all the many occasions when he is dragging behind and I am saying COME ON again and again like a stuck record LOL xx

  4. What a shame it was closing when you arrived but a real result to be able to cycle there, I love that last photo too, so lovely and peaceful. Great to be able to ditch the bus sometimes and take to your bikes. I have heard the falling over your own feet thing too, one of mine is very prone. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

    1. Pleasure! Can't wait to see you at BritMums Live - THIS time we MUST meet! Liska xxx

  5. Gorgeous photos Liska, I can't get over how tall he is getting! Great to be able to cycle to the farm, shame it was closing, but at least you know for next time x #CountryKids

    1. He's had two growth spurts in recent weeks/months. Thank God all his jeans were long and he's in high top trainers. I am not getting new jeans till after the Summer. Hopefully he'll have a few months in shorts - I can but dream.
      Liska xx

  6. Love your photos of him searching everywhere for the animals. It will make the next visit even more special for him - well, as long as the animals are out and about. #countrykids

  7. Impressed with the cycling everywhere. Love these photos, hopefully Aaron will get yo see the animals next time x

    1. Oh definitely now that we know how early they close. Hope to go this week x

  8. I'm sure you'll get to see them soon. Great bike riding.

    1. Yes indeed this coming week we need to go again xx

  9. Lovely photos, looks like a gorgeous day. Now my ones are riding I'd love to dust off the old bike but I got rid of it!! Need to save for a new one :(

    1. We got ours about 10 years ago. It was advertised in one of those Sunday papers supplements. 2 bikes (his and hers) for 99 pounds and they're still going strong :-) xx

  10. We are still using stabilizers and I wish that one day soon itll be off. This is such a nicetrip and he is so determined. The last photo really look more emotional =) #countrykids

    1. Yes, emotional indeed, lovely moody shot, but husband prefers the brighter one just before. Yes, get those stabilizers off! :-)
      Liska xx

  11. Beautiful photos :) I can't wait until mine can pedal themselves rather than me having to tow them in the trailer :)

    1. Thank you. Him pedalling was brought on by 10 months on a balance bike. No stopping him now. Just visited your blog and commented - love the London Eye post. Following you on G+ now too. Liska xx

  12. Lovely photos. Cycling everywhere with your wee man sounds great. Hope you get to catch the animals next time. My wee man is the same this summer loving the longer days and a serious lack of interest in going to bed very early!

    1. ah bless! Well I am delighted to report that for the first time in WEEKS he is asleep since his normal bed time of 21:30... yes, as late as that is, it has been later :-( in recent weeks.
      Liska xx

  13. Great photos and still a lovely day out. Glad to hear you're out on your bikes together. It looks like this is another one you're going to make me unearth from the shed - mine! X

    1. One of my favourite things about the online community is when we urge/inspire/compel each other to do things. A couple of years ago I was disillusioned with the Mummy Blogging community as it was either twee, or ranty, and not inspiring enough, but BOY is it transformed now. READ AN AMAZING post about juicing on Mama Syder today and then there's Karin with her #EmbraceHappy. People are doing it. People are embracing the Aquarian Age and BEING the change they want to see in the world. I've wished for this for so long and now it's here I am the fattest and sluggish I have ever been. It's time for me to ride that wave, SOMEHOW......... I think I peaked too young......... I was eating Paleo stylie in 2001.......... don't know if I can become that person again, I am just TOO TIRED> wow your comment has unearthed something, but what I am trying to say is I am GLAD I got you to get Adrian's bike out, and I am glad you may now get yours out too.
      Liska xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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