Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Dyson Cinetic DC54 and Why There's No Hidden Dust

On 27th May I headed off to a Dyson event, at one of my favourite shopping centres, Westfield Stratford City, to hear about the Dyson Cinetic and how it's great for allergies. With a big boy (the husband) and the small boy (Aaron) both having eczema it was of great interest to me.

Dyson had literally set up a pop-up event in the shopping centre itself just outside John Lewis (which is behind me in the above photo. I was the first to arrive (punctuality has always been one of my strong points) so this was my view before presenting myself to the team. I asked if I should go and get a coffee because I was early; I'm glad I did as they then did a coffee run for everyone - at Costa - which was much appreciated.

It was a bustling event and the best bit was hearing the engineer explain the technology and the research that's gone into it. He then demonstrated, proudly, the product for us:
The above "dust" is actually baking soda, which is a REALLY good test as it is really fine in nature. Look at home it leaves a spotless surface in its wake. Trust me,  I don't know a vacuum that can do that. My favourite bit, is when they put it between two of the large marble tiles and it even copes with the dust in the cracks. THAT is superb SUCTION power!!!

They had a photo booth there, which was full of dust samples. We had to look at them, and then show our disgust in a snap. This was my attempt:
Yes I know it is the LEAST flattering photo of me that I have EVER posted on my blog but Dyson is worth it!

Just so you can see I didn't quite look THAT bad, here is me taking the Dyson Cinetic through its paces. Please like and subscribe on You Tube:

Dyson's spent years building thousands of prototypes to take away our problems. First of all they (well originally James himself) solved the need for a vacuum bag. I benefited from that, as back in the 1990s, despite my age and small salary, I bought a yellow and grey DC01. I couldn't afford it at the time, so I paid 50 pounds a month to buy it from the catalogue. I still have it would you believe. Although I now use my DC59. THAT, and how portable (and cordless) it is, means I have gone from vacuuming about once a month, to now about 3 times a day, as I can deal with each issue of crumbs as it happens. I LOVE IT!

It seems I was late in getting my DC01, as it was invented earlier in the 1990s than I realised. This is what Dyson has to say:
In 1993, bags were out. 20 years of research and development later, Dyson is introducing the only machine with no bags, no loss of suction, and no filter fuss.

Now they've solved the need for filter changes.

Regarding allergies, they gave us SO much useful information, I couldn't keep up! I live tweeted a few top tips, there and then on my smart phone, but then I simply listened and took photos. I am so glad they sent me the notes after the event, as I want you dear reader to know it all, so here it is undiluted, unedited. In full, directly from Dyson themselves:

Dyson Allergens Facts pack

Microbiology at Dyson:
Dyson’s fully-equipped microbiology lab enables scientists to develop healthier and more hygienic appliances. This means we are better equipped to deal with the nasties that lurk in our carpets and furniture. The lab was built in 2001 at a cost of around £100,000.

Dust mites:
Dust mites are the number one cause of allergies in the home. They feed off the skin cells that humans shed. And litter our beds, sofas, carpets, clothing and cuddly toys with feces. Their feces are so light and tiny that they float easily into air when disturbed by our everyday activities. Inhaling these minute particles causes allergic reactions to those who are sensitive to a type of protein found in dust mite feces.
  • An average bed has up to 3 million dust mites.
  • There are 500,000 particles of dust in the average cubic meter of air. 50% is dead human skin cells.
  • Humans shed about 30,000 – 40,000 skin cells per minute, or about 28 grams per month (equivalent to a bag of crisps).
  • The average square meter of carpet has 1,000 dust mites. Each critter produces up to 30 droppings a day. It’s these droppings that most people are allergic to.
  • Moving around in your bed disturbs dust mite droppings which then stay airborne for at least 30 minutes.
  • Pollen is built to travel, often going hundreds of miles and coming into your home through open windows. It often settles on floors and under furniture where it can be breathed but not seen.
  • In the microbiology lab, Dyson scientists grow their own dust mite cultures. This enables them to study their behavior and the allergens they produce, and help design engineers develop machines to combat them better.  
  • Dust mites don’t just live in mattresses and carpets – sofas and cushions are ideal environments too.
  • Dust mites can’t survive extreme temperatures. Freeze delicate bed sheets to kill them.
Combatting dust mites:
  • Vacuum mattresses regularly to pick up skin cells and dust mite faeces. Dyson’s vacuum cleaners are all approved by the AllergyFoundation and their unique cyclone technology means they have no loss of suction.
  • You can kill dust mites by placing items like toys in a plastic bag, freezing them for two days and letting them thaw naturally – this will kill the dust mites as they cannot survive the cold.
  • Removing shoes before entering the house. Otherwise you will be walking in nasty chemicals, pollen, dirt and dust straight into your home.
  • Make up brushes aren’t to be forgotten either. To kill these mites pop them in the freezer for a few hours and this kills all the mites.
  • Hay fever is caused by an allergy to the pollen of wind-pollinated plants, including numerous species of trees, grasses and weeds. Pollen is produced in huge quantities in spring and summer.
  • Evolved for wind dispersal, it is lightweight and in some circumstances can travel several hundred miles. The seasonality of hay fever varies from person to person, depending on which type of pollen causes the reaction. It’s a surprising fact but most pollen and other respiratory allergens inside the home are found on the floor and under surfaces. Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner can reduce this, making use of the tools provided with our machines allows you to reach into the hard to reach places in the home.
Combatting pollen:
  • When humidity rises above 50%, the risk of mould allergies increases significantly. Keeping your home below 45% humidity makes it harder for fungi and mould to flourish.
  • Opening bathroom and kitchen windows can help lower humidity and reduce mould. Air other rooms regularly, but try to keep windows closed during the hay fever season.
  • Some flowering plants, including roses, self-pollinate. Because their pollen doesn’t have to travel so far, it doesn’t usually cause allergies.
  • Pollen from grasses causes a reaction in 90% of people with hay fever. Keeping grass cut short will help prevent it flowering and producing pollen.
  • Ferns produce spores rather than pollen. They fling them into the air at up 4.5 metres per second using a slingshot mechanism. The spores can be highly allergenic.
  • If someone in your home suffers from hay fever, try not to dry your washing in the garden when the pollen count is high – especially in the morning and early evening.

Indoor moulds and fungi occur throughout the year provided there is moisture and oxygen. However, they tend to be more prevalent during warmer, wetter months – the same time as outdoor moulds and fungi. They reproduce by emitting microscopic spores, which are common triggers of allergies and asthma. As many as 30% of allergy sufferers are affected. Mould can lead to watery and itchy eyes and runny noses.    

Combatting mould:
  • Damp areas on walls should be seen to.
  • Removing house dust by vacuuming will remove spores that are present in the dust therefore reducing the risk of mould forming in the house.
  • Pay particular attention to walls behind kitchen units and cupboards; the lack of ventilation often means that excess mould grows in these areas.
  • Tackle condensation.

Dog & Cat saliva

It’s not commonly known but dog and cat saliva makes you sneeze. Dog hair makes your nose tickle but that’s not why you’re sneezing. It’s because you dog’s hair has allergens on it – left from your dog licking itself clean and proteins secreted by oil glands. Household allergens cling to it too – forming a kind of sneeze induced cocktail. Dogs moult in the spring as their winter coats shed for summer. For some dogs this also happens in autumn when their summer coat makes way for a thicker winter one. The resulting pet hair can cause irritation. As the cat cleans itself the cat deposits these proteins on its fur, which is shed around the house on furniture and carpets. Pet hairs can also contain an allergen that is secreted by the animal’s sebaceous glands and passed to the fur during grooming. The flakes of dried skin known as dander can also be a problem.

To combat these issues you should:
  • Clean/wash dog bed at 60 degrees
  • Vacuum your dog with a groom tool – only ones specifically for this use
  • Use a machine with full filter filtration.
  • When pets lick their fur they leave behind allergen-rich saliva – it ends up on upholstery and carpets when they shed. Vacuum regularly and use a cleaner with a motorised brush bar to remove more pet hair from deep-pile carpets.
Extra cleaning tips:
  • Curtains and blinds harbor dust and pollen.
  • Keyboards can have as much bacteria as a toilet seat.


So above they give you the problems along with a lot of solutions and preventative measures.

A great tool to have at your disposal is a Dyson Cinetic. We got the chance to put it through its paces a lot at the event.

Displaying DC54_IRNK_13A5_REFW.jpg
So now we're at a new stage of Dyson technology where we now, with the Cinetic have:

  • no bags!
  • no loss of suction and
  • no filter fuss.
The cyclones are so efficient there is no filter maintenance: no washing, nothing to replace, one less thing to think about. 

CineticTM vacuum maintains constant suction, with ten years’ worth of test dust, with no filter maintenance.

In addition to this, my findings are that:
  • it's light and easy to use. Effortless as I say in my video above.
  • adapts to multi floor levels and types with ease.
  • The manoeuvrability is SUPERB.

James Dyson: “Getting rid of bags solved the frustration of my vacuum losing suction. But washing filters - or worse – buying them, is still a nuisance. Dyson CineticTM cyclones are so efficient at separating microscopic particles that everything gets thrust into the bin, and you can forget about fussy filters.” 

Carbon fibre turbine head 
On carpets the stiff nylon bristles remove dirt. On hard floors the ultra-fine antistatic carbon fibre filaments remove fine dust.
A note from me, Liska, NewMumOnline: the ability of these Dysons (my DC59 included) to alter to different floor types is phenomenal. We tested this at the event, as I have done at home. Whether your on a carpet or a wooden floor you can still feel that traction, that grip and that suction. Its ability to alter to different floor types, and heights is formidable. Love it and not known a vacuum like it.

Dyson BallTM technology 
Sitting on a ball, The Dyson CineticTM vacuum has a low centre of gravity and is easier to pull without snagging on corners or the carpet pile. Coupled with a unique central steering system, the vacuum uses an articulating chassis and central pivot point for negotiating tight turns and circumnavigating sofas.
Go and try it in a department store near you and you will really feel this benefit. Vacuumin will never be the same again!

This pic from the event demonstrates my point about the varying from type. I know you will say they don't have a deep shag pile carpet there, but I do have some at home, and the DC59 has always performed very well on it. The Dyson Cinetic has the same superbly performing head!

Disclosure: I was invited to an event with Dyson, at which I got a goodie bag and a free coffee. All opinions as always are my own. I have shared their text with you, regarding allergies, what you can do about them, and the information regarding the Dyson Cinetic itself. I hope you find it all as useful and as interesting as I did.

Liska xxx


  1. It looks fab! I miss having a dyson so much, they are just so fab - and with our animals and the constant moulting, we should probably think about investing in one again!

    1. Oh Holly they even have a model especially for that called the Dyson Animal (I think). Has a special tangle tool on the head. Works for long hair too. I am overdue a visit at your blog xx

  2. I NEED one of these. We had an incident with a balloon filled with cornflour that popped/ You can imagine the mess!

    1. Oh that sounds horrid Jen. Yep the Dyson would make child's play of it.
      Liska x

  3. Sounds like a great product. My nan always used to hoover her cat, I had never thought to try it on the dog too.

  4. Some yucky insteresting facts there. I would love a Dyson.

  5. We have an old Dyson and I love it. I would really like a posh one like this x


  6. We have a Dyson, and wouldn't be without it! Looks like there is quite a lot to this cleaning technology lark!

  7. i was invited to this but I wouldn't make it as I was away, so it's really nice to see what you got up to. the Dyson Cinetic looks amazing and has my name written all over it.

  8. My blog is http://stylemesunday.blogspot.co.uk/ btw

  9. I could do with one of these.I suffer from allergies badly.

  10. Since we have multiple allergies and I have a particularly severe dust allergy I was interested, but baking soda is a "dry" dust and not actually a good test - it's really easy to suck up. However I'm sure the Dyson Cinetic is amazing, but the one problem Dyson have yet to solve is leaving the carpet fibre behind! That's why they are known as "carpet killers" sadly.

  11. This sounds like such a great product. We have eczema, asthma and allergies so it would be perfect. The Dyson we have is still going strong but it would be nice to upgrade one day :)

  12. sounds fab , never really wanted a dyson though i think they cost ridiculous amounts , i love my bisell x

  13. Sounds very interesting . We have asthma in our house, would be ideal for us. thanks x

  14. I have always been a Dyson fan - even back in the day when their models are nothing like as space age as they are now! Gutted I couldn't get to this event - I think I would have pulled a very similar face looking at the dust samples too!! xx

  15. I do love Dyson and they are amazing at what they do - particularly for people with allergies.

  16. cor I'd love me a Dyson! Really interesting to hear about the allergies part too x

  17. It looks amazing! I blooming love Dysons x

  18. I bought my first Dyson from the catalogue as well because I couldn't afford to pay in full! I love Dyson although the last vacuum cleaner we bought wasn't a Dyson due to cost restraints at the time and I'm now wishing I'd just saved up for a Dyson. The one have is rubbish and we've only had it a year or so.

  19. I have always been a Dyson fan. They seem to know all there is about vacuum cleaners.

  20. I love Dyson but OH swears by Vax - may have to show him this as every Vax we buy seems to break after a little while!


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.