Sunday 12 April 2015

Plane Watching #MySundayPhoto

I had far too many photos to choose from for this #MySundayPhoto blog post. So I just dived in and picked this one, as there are SO many reasons I love this pic. Multi-layered to say the least.

He'd been saying "let's go" for hours yet when we were ready he was transfixed plane watching. Unmovable!

Enjoy your Sunday.

Linking up with One Dad 3 Girls. Click this badge to see the other beautiful photos linked up.


I'm sure the lack of an "S" on the end of My Sunday Photo means you should pick one pic, but I wanted to show you the two that got away. I wrangled with these two, before picking the one above:
All three of these pics were taken by me, on Saturday 11th April 2015. With a Sony Cybershot camera.

Liska xxx


  1. Lovely photos. I can see why you went for the plane one - he's totally transfixed by it.

    1. He's looking through the other window but I cropped it. Yeah there was no pulling him away even though previously it was him trying to get us to go out x

  2. He looks very intrigued by the plane, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

    1. So sweet that you're helping Mummy out Clio. Thanks for visiting and commenting x

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. I came back and added the other two though as I could not resist it x

  4. Lovely shots of your son, love your orchids too!

    1. It's two stems and it comes in a proper ceramic pot, yet was only a tenner in Aldi. Got it the week before Valentine's and yet still perfect. Thrilled with it xx

  5. I love all three photos, he looks so gripped up the plane

    Thank you for linking up

    1. Ah thanks for visiting even though you are meant to be decorating !?!?!??!?!? No doubt having a wee tea break :-)

  6. Those are really nice shots!
    Please come share at

    1. Thanks, I've come and seen you beautiful bird pics. Gorgeous x

  7. It's funny the things that stop them in their tracks, I wonder where he though the plane was heading (probably to the moon if I'd asked Tigger)

    1. Oh he's obsessed with the moon and the sun and space and the galaxy, so yes, probably LOL. I think it started with aliens on Ben & Holly or something. We went to a school book sale and he got 8 books about space. I only let him as they were 10p each. I just caught up on all of your Thomas Land expansion videos as this comment linked to your G+ page.
      Liska xx

  8. I love his innocence Liska, kids have such awe for things we find very mundane and that is just one of the reasons they are so special and we are encouraged to be like them. Mich x

  9. Love the third one! Reminds me of my son in our day out. Always playing with anything he can get his hands on =) #mysundayphoto


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