Friday 22 May 2015

Vlogging on My Phone and Ten Top Tips for New Vloggers on You Tube

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Vlog #CollectiveBias

Vlogging with my Samsung Galaxy Ace 3

Do you ever Vlog with your phone? Mine, my Samsung Galaxy Ace 3, has become invaluable lately for several reasons:
  • Memory: My Sony Cybershot camera memory card is often full, and lately my laptop is full too so I am a little buggered. This is where the phone is literally a life saver. I even bought a new memory card recently for the phone, and they've increased in size and come down in price. They are designed to process HD, so they are perfect for the up and coming Vlogger. The phone can cope with a MicroSD up to 64 GB! Memory becomes an issue when you get into Vlogging especially if you have the file size of the individual clips and then also the completed edited video - it's like doubling up!!!
  • Battery Charge: Sometimes in the rush to get out, I've forgotten to charge my camera. Or simply I use it SO much on a day out that even a full charge is not enough. Again the phone is invaluable. We always leave home with a fully charged phone right? *coughs* and moves swiftly on...
  • Selfie footage: With my Sony Cybershot I can only point outwards. It's as annoying as pushing a newborn in a buggy which has the same limitation. When I do a selfie photo it is hit and miss (but normally spot on to be fair) but I wouldn't risk it with a Vlog. I love that with my phone, I can see myself on screen and therefore self regulate my facial expressions and ensure I am in the frame. In the frame, without too much, say for example, ceiling... like you see in the pic above.
  • Quality: The spec of my phone's camera says it is only 5MP and on the selfie option only 0.3MP, yet I am happy with the quality. You can decide for yourself in the Vlog I have done below for this #CollectiveBias post.
  • Engaged child: Having the selfie option on the phone's camera, means that Aaron stays interested when we are recording a Vlog together as he can see himself. It often has funny results as with this comedy chat from the two of us or this one where Aaron sabotage my vlog with funny results.
  • Inexpensive. Often people get intimidated by the thought of "Vlogging" due to the cost of the equipment that they think is involved. BUT, often a phone will do the job fine (those two linked to above are on the phone too). People say you need microphones, tripods and lighting, BUT on those two above, in one I am holding the phone and in the other it's simply balanced on the dining table. The lighting in both is fully natural, and as we are so close to the phone a microphone is not at all required.
  • Accessible: For me, both my phone and my camera fit in my everyday handbag, but I know for you serious photographer/bloggers, that may not be the case, so having the phone to hand, for quick/easy vlogging means you capture fabulous memories you might otherwise miss. Looking back at old footage is heartwarming, so I would highly recommend, dear reader, that you start videoing, even if you don't upload to You Tube.
  • Ease of upload: I am writing this post in Ireland as we are here on holiday to see my Mum. It's meant challenges as my Mum's does not have Wifi. But the bigger challenge was that my laptop does not recognise my phone's MP4s (videos). So the plan was that I would upload the below footage offline (with a cable) from phone to laptop and edit it all at my Mum's, simply coming to my Aunt's to upload  to You Tube. I'd have already done the editing on Windows Live Movie Maker. BUT, when I couldn't drag and drop the videos, I came to my Aunt's for the day, and the problem was solved, as I could upload all the videos STRAIGHT from the phone to You Tube (which I could never do with my camera). It didn't even take that long to upload them once I was in a place with Wifi, and You Tube has its own "editor" so I was able to sit here and put all the clips together in a continuous "Vlog". You Tube has a "download MP4" option, so I then delete the footage off my phone/camera as I know it is there should I ever want it. Clearly I pick and choose which videos I am not precious with.
Uploading phone camera Vlogs straight to You Tube Editor
For this post, to showcase my phone's Vlogging ability I have recorded the below video. Anyone who knows me will know I have made a study of You Tube for the past 3 months, in that I have spent hundreds of hours on there as a user. If you follow me on Twitter you will know, as everytime I "like" a You Tube video, it tweets a link to the video I have liked, so that's more or less all my Twitter timeline consists of currently. So I now know what I like and what I don't and have compiled, quite literally on the back of an envelope:
Ten You Tube Musts for the Up and Coming Vlogger

explanations of which are included in my Vlog below.
Ten Top Tips for The Vlogging You Tuber
It just so happens that they all begin with T. I have no idea what the deeper meaning of that is. Judging by the pic above, I need a manicure in addition to the pedicure and Shellac I have just had.
My Samsung phone is my baby
I am blogging/vlogging this post from Ireland, as Aaron and I are here on our hols to see my Mum. Hence I am scrubbed up, as my Mother is a bit of a glamour puss unlike me. Serves me well for this Vlog that my cousin has cut and straightened my hair. My Mum gave me the voucher for the feet. Looking after myself is becoming a bit of a routine. I may even turn over a new leaf in time for BritMums Live. A few more pounds to shift before then though.
So here is my Vlogger's Vlog with the Ten Top Tips I have put together in a brainstorm on the back of an envelope. I hope you enjoy, like, comment and subscribe. Would be great to meet you, and widen my You Tube tribe :-)

I'm adding my post to 

The Dad Network

Liska xx


  1. I think Samsung is one of the best phone! They have so many features. Have subscribe.

  2. Is that a mention for me I see on your list? Honoured - thank you!!

  3. I've been meaning to catch up with this post again. So much to take in and really useful. Thanks for sharing! X


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.