Tuesday 10 May 2016

It's All White on Instagram

Lots of lovely Instagram accounts. At first it seems like the heavy hitters on Instagram are all "white" - I mean interiors etc... not skin colour by the way. But dig deeper and you see so so much more. I have been on an exploration of late (as I spend so many hours breastfeeding on the sofa) and here below is just a sample of what I have found.

My own personal favourite of mine before I share the others, is this one:

Be warned once you start looking at the below accounts you go down a rabbit hole of similar accounts and you may need rescuing to get out, or you may just find you've lost a few hours. It's aspirational and meditative. Inhaling the simple slow life.

As of today I think my favourite account has to be Surprised by Five - this *new* account is from the Mamma that has just had 5 babies, conceived naturally:

One of my favourites is @wellettas and this Babble article explains why 

A photo posted by Cassidy Compton (@cascompton) on

Baby yawns are the very sweetest- I've been feeling the fatigue these past couple days. 🌸Maribell Primrose and I took a nice new moon bath this evening, and it was lovely- she's a very grateful bather. ✨🌑✨ Did you know this new moon in Taurus is the third super moon in a row? And that Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all in retrograde? I was just reading about it at @mysticmamma: "The Taurus New Moon means for you is love you and your gifts. This love lasts. Taurus reveals your talents and gifts. These abilities you want to leverage in this life. This is the gold within you. This is what will make you happy." ✨Some of the gold that makes me happy is to love my gift of Motherhood.✨// This photo was taken by @angelinaaaalopez who lovingly documented our last postpartum herb bath together ✨🌑✨
A photo posted by ⚘Nico⚘ (@ozarkmamadeer) on

Parenthood... 💤☕️Do you know those moments when your biggest dream is a cup of tea while watching your favorite series? In silence. Without worrying that the little one will bite off the cable. And - in the most perfect world - after a night full of sleep? This week was kind of tough: I had to get my thesis ready for printing and travel half of the country to get ready for the PhD defense together with this angel, who seemed to have a mental leap on top of all. And even though my body is now screaming for some rest, I wouldn't want to change a thing in our hectic life. Do you know the feeling? #BabyVsCoffee ||| Фото из серии "кто кого" 💪🏽 Бывают моменты, когда хочется просто посмотреть любимый сериал с чашкой чая, которую никто не опрокинет на ноутбук, а ещё не придётся беспокоиться о том, что кто-то перегрызёт провод от зарядки. Прошлая неделя была сумасшедшей, пришлось готовить диссер к печати, а потом проехать полстраны в универ вместе с маленькой, у которой, похоже, был очередной скачок роста. Так что теперь мой организм кричит об отдыхе, но не тут-то было: на следующей неделе желанные гости и подготовка к защите. И всё же я ни на что не променяла б эти заботы. Знакомы такие чувства?
A photo posted by Madina (@thesematters) on

A photo posted by Madina (@thesematters) on

okay...maybe I am overdoing it with the sleeping baby on your feed, 🙈 but how can I not? I can't do anything apart from going back and forth between all the possible angles trying to make memories while she small😀 I have everything I could ask for on this beautiful spring morning: my family, peace, tranquility, sound of singing birds. Staring at the clear blue sky and admiring the beauty of the earth. It all makes me close my eyes and take it all in (including sip of coffee). What a good reason to say "thank you" prayer to our creator.  Да я знаю бесконечная спящая малютка в маем Инстаграм. Ну ничего с этим поделать не могу. День просто замечательный и настроение супер. Наслаждаюсь тишиной пока Авия в видение сладких снов. Я очень люблю Апрель и Май, природа в этот период проста божественна. Прикосновение весны в воздухе затаило дыхание во мне. Может потому что именно сегодня я поняла что наступила весна. Именно сегодня я хочу быть особо благодарной Богу за то что он для нас придумал этот сказочный мир.
A photo posted by Mayya (@mayyabor) on

A photo posted by Hailey DeRoo Haugen (@mynorthernstory) on

A photo posted by @thisisjules on

A photo posted by Bri Heiligenthal (@burtsbrisplease) on

A photo posted by Bri Heiligenthal (@burtsbrisplease) on

A photo posted by Jessica Shyba (@mommasgonecity) on

1 comment:

  1. Look at you with all your babylove photos. Breastfeeding really is a great time to be able to surf the net. I wish Instagram had been around when I was. I hope all is well Mich xx


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