Saturday 11 June 2016

Win the Wet Head game from ZING ®

Summer is truly here, it's so hot and playing with water is one of the quickest ways to cool down.

Brilliant for this heatwave, Wet Head, soaks the loser with water following a nerve-racking quiz or truth and dare game. It's a water ROULETTE game! I felt sooooo much suspense watching many a video tonight. Aaron and I were truly hooked this evening after football.

Breaking the Internet with leading YouTubers taking the Wet Head Challenge, the new Wet Head game is the most fun you can have this summer. Get yourself on You Tube if you don't believe me. We're talking views in the millions here! Not thousands! So much fun to be had, watching and playing!

I have the new Wet Head game available to win.

More competitions at - See more at:

Take your chances with Zing’s all new water roulette game, Wet Head! Grab some friends, fill the Wet Head with water, strap yourself in and give it a spin

Ready for more than one twist? Players have the option to play with the included spinner. The hat pins spin and there is a spinner too! Giving each player an instruction depending where the needle lands. Alternatively download the free Wet Head Challenge app and ask each other trivia questions. Players can also create their own way to challenge family and friends! Any way you play, you might just get soaked!

The Wet Head Challenge app, available on iOS and Android, includes fun trivia questions and a special recording feature. The record feature allows players to capture every drenching moment and share their videos on YouTube or social media. Use #WetHeadChallenge to join in on the splash of fun and to see what others are posting! Will you be the next Wet Head?

Wet Head comes with one hat, eight pins and a spinner. It is available to buy now for £19.99 RRP and is suitable for ages 4 and over. From what I have seen on You Tube tonight I'd say the age appeal is 4 to 80. We just now have to convince Daddy to get his hair wet mwwwaaa ha ha and have our running shoes on ready for when he does! Yikes!
I just LOVE watching the Wet Head videos. Seriously, that's what me and Aaron did tonight instead of watching TV. I feel as if I own the game already I have watched so many. I'll get one for hosting this comp - can't wait!!!

Here's just one video to start you off, but if like me, you have kids, then you just have to watch some more! The ones starring kids, but after this one:

Sorry, I had to come back and share Aaron's favourite #WetHeadChallenge video, a more kids focused one (just LOOK at the view count):


  1. would love to see hubby get soaked!! that would make my sons laugh :)

  2. My husband, but my daughter would love it if it was me!

  3. My partner n little boy! I'm so unlucky at the Pie Face game so hopefully I'll have a bit more luck with this one haha x

  4. My husband - he hates messing his hair up!

  5. We'd all love to get grandad wet

  6. My husband it would be hilarious

    Kirsty Fox

  7. My gorgeous grandchildren and their grandaddy of course :)

  8. my daughter - clean answer. Darren Criss - naughty answer :)

  9. It would have to be the hubby, I'm sure he wouldn't mind :-D

  10. I'd like to get my husband and kids wet

  11. My boys! In the unlikely event I am drawn as the winner - I pressed the button too early - I follow Zing as @astrongcoffee1

  12. My lovely boyfriend lol xx

  13. My dad for always playing practical joke on us

  14. This looks like so much fun, my boys would love it to make youtube videos of their own x

  15. I would love to see partner get soaked

  16. I would love to see my teenage boy get soaked he spends so much time in the mirror getting his hair perfect he drives me crazy his worse that's any female bless him

  17. My kids - they will be in hysterics no doubt!

  18. my nieces haha but they would get there own back no doubt xx

  19. my little brother i think hes always trying to prank me so be nice bit of revenge lol

  20. I just tried the Win the Wet Head game from ZING, and it was a blast! The excitement of spinning the wheel and the anticipation of getting splashed is unbeatable. Speaking of fun, have you checked out the tiger exchange for some amazing game deals?


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