Monday 2 April 2012

Inner Truth

Apologies there was no Inner Truth post last week, but I kind of went off blogging in the last couple of weeks, for reasons that will become clear in a post that I will hopefully write tonight.

I have done a lot of soul searching in the last few weeks and have had it confirmed that I do have post natal depression. 

Anyway, back to the Lemonade Diet (the Master Cleanse) - you have to do it for 10, 20 or 40 days, and I ended up doing 9 days.  I learned a lot about myself during that time, and lost a lot of weight.  I learned what the triggers are for me wanting to eat and it was revealing.

Also, since I came off it I have been craving healthy food and now even ages later my portion sizes are smaller, as my stomach shrunk and I am NOT going to expand it back as our portion sizes in the West are far too large anyway.

I will be doing the lemonade diet again some time in the not too distant future.

In the last couple of days I picked back up a book on my kindle that was bringing up "blocks" a few weeks ago.  It is called

How to Do Everything and Be Happy - Your Easy Peasy Guide to Creating Happiness (it's £1.99 on kindle)

After a few weeks of soul searching, I can actually now write "3 wishes" and even think about breaking them down into goals, which I could not do a few weeks ago.  I reached the same blocks when trying to read the excellent book:

The Mummy Whisperer's Six Steps To A Sparkling You And Enjoying Being A Mum (89p on kindle)

So, I am moving forward in my Inner Truth journey and EVEN thinking about picking up yoga again.  I taught for 6 years, up to being nearly 38 weeks pregnant and haven't struck a pose since Aaron was born.  Struck a couple yesterday though, but need to do an actual kriya.

Aaron's nursery is closing on Wednesday evening so I have Thursday off and the whole of the following week.  It is my first time experiencing school holidays, as Aaron only started in September and nursery doesn't have half terms.  I had hoped to go to Ireland but maybe I will just stay here and go inwards instead.

The good thing about my Inner Truth journey is that I am getting to know my strengths as well as my weaknesses.  I am actually starting to hear myself say "I am good at that" and "I could do that for you".

I hope you will link up and let me know how you are doing.

If  you would like to grab the badge it is in a separate "tab" (page) on the blog.

Liska xxx

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  1. Pleased to see you back, and you sound as if you are really making some progress and now you know about the PND you can gett he help/ do the talking you need. Take care, Mich x

  2. Sorry to hear about your PND, fingers crossed you can keep one step ahead of it.

  3. Glad you're back and that your lemonade diet did the trick for you. I'm still doing the walking/running and all is well. I'll link up with an update next week. X

  4. Hi lovely. A fabulous come back post and I am glad to see you finally have diagnosis as it now means you know why you have been feeling lost and can start to make moves forward. I have never heard of the lemonade diet before! Tell me...does it involve drinking lots of lemonade? x


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.