Thursday 19 December 2013

Downton Abbey - The Best Show on the Box, But Why?

If it was a choice between doing ANYTHING and watching Downton Abbey I would choose Downton Abbey every Sunday and twice at Christmas!  In fact that is what I do!  I watch it every Sunday while it's on, and then at Christmas I watch the DVDs and the much anticipated Christmas special.

I have forced myself to do some introspection...  What is it about the big D that does it for me?
My brainstorm: It's the drama, the class struggles (I loved Upstairs Downstairs as a child too - yes I know there were some bits that were a bit above the watershed, I just looked away), the costumes, the intrigue, the characters, the acting and the suspense.  There's always lots of suspense. I have also made a shocking discovery.  I like the fact that women are women and men are men.  Now don't get me wrong I haven't worn high heels in about 7 years, and I can be found wearing jeans everyday, but there is a princess inside me, who quite likes the Downton dynamic.  Maybe that's why I shouted about boobs from the balcony at Mumsnet Blogfest.  I agree that men and women should have equal pay and equal opportunities.  I also agree that women should be able to be bricklayers, pilots and engineers if they so wish.  But I don't think they need to be a man to do so.  I think a woman should be a woman because of her strengths instead of in spite of them.  We have a capacity to elevate and nurture a situation that is profound and deep within us.  I guess I love the chivalry demonstrated in Downton Abbey.  Maybe I need to explore this some more, and develop my inner princess ;-) or Duchess - ha ha! (Said in the same tone as Ma Ma!)...
This year's Christmas episode of Downton Abbey, promises a royal scandal no less.  Do have a look there at the Telegraph, as there is a 1 minute teaser of the Christmas episode, and it's got me all excited.  Glad I did not watch it on 7th December when it was posted as there'd have been far too long to wait. As it is, it's only days!

I often take a fancy to certain characters in Downton Abbey, but I might give that a rethink now that I have discovered that they all stink due to wearing costumes that can't be washed so as to maintain their period look!

Now pondering, while I try and think as to who my favourite characters are.... hhhhmmm.  Oh, I think I like all of them.  

Downton Abbey series two

I don't know how I have forgiven Downton for all the times it's made me cry:
  1. When Lady Sybil died.
  2. When Lady's Maid Anna Bates got raped and by Nigel Harman, my ALL TIME favourite actor from my favourite soap Eastenders (who I used to have a massive crush on)! 
  3. When Lady Grantham had that miscarriage that so could have been avoided. (Look at that Downton has its own Wiki pages).
  4. Actually I can terminate this list here as The Telegraph has done it for me in a list of: Downton's Most Shocking Moments!
Once we forget about the shocking moments, what else is there to love about Downton, besides the drama, costumes, political/class struggles, and intrigue?  It's the architecture and scenery right?

If you transported me away, I'd want it to be to somewhere like these English country manors below (makes me laugh that their star rating is done on "poshness"):

Woodlands is by far my favourite, based on the below images.  The inside looks warm and the feel is heritage, in that oh so important period Downton way.  Plus I stayed in a "Woodlands" at University and it was one of the best years of my life!

If you've got the time or the money or both, get yourself away to one of these English Country Manors.  Maybe you can nurture your inner Lady/Princess/Duchess.  Have a hot toddy for me!

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