Sunday 28 November 2010

Motherhood. What I have learned... Don't believe everything they tell you!


I can't believe I have not blogged on here since having my baby........

I think I will have to do several posts now to make up for it...

This one is about what I have learned now that I am the mother of a 5 month old... well 5 and a half really...

Don't believe everything they tell you.  Why?  Well because...

  1. They would lead you to believe that you can't start breastfeeding at 6 weeks.  I did.  
  2. They would lead you to believe it is hard to combine bottle and breastfeeding.  I did.  
  3. They would lead you to believe colic is impossible to get rid of.  I did.  
  4. They'd lead you to believe you need a moses basket. I didn't.  
  5. They'd lead you to believe that newborns are wrinkly and all look the same. He didn't.... 
  6. They'd lead you to believe that newborns wear newborn clothes... he did not.  
  7. They'd lead you to believe you and your baby would need a dummy (which I prefer you call a pacifier, as that is all that it is)... he did not!  
  8. Wean at 4 months! NO... 
  9. Dairy formula...? NO! 
  10. They'd lead you to believe that teething is inevitable... and is always accompanied by red cheeks, dribbling and a whole lot of pain for Mother and Baby alike.  
  11. They'd lead you to believe that vaccines are compulsory... 
  12. They'd lead you to believe you have to have a plastic baby bath - sadly I fell for that one... 
  13. They'd lead you to believe that a soft wrap is impossible to tie and that you need one of those rucksack type ones - YUK! 
  14. Some would lead you to believe that a natural birth is the only way.  It is not...
  15. Some would lead you to believe that breastfeeding is easy.  It is not...
  16. Some would lead you to believe that you should not allow your baby to sleep on your chest.  Not true.
  17. Some would lead you to believe that you have to have an epidural once you have been induced (by drip).  Not true.
  18. I really believe in swaddling.  It really really works.
  19. I really believe in sleeping bags.  They are the next step...
So how do I expand on the above??? I guess I will have to write a post about each point in turn...? Not sure... will work something out... and hopefully add to the above list which right now has 19 points...

Oh and point 20...

20.     They lead you to believe motherhood is easy.  IT IS NOT.  But... it is a pleasure!!!  :-)

On Saturday 28th May 2011, this post is being entered into Showoff Showcase at The Boy and Me:

ShowOff Showcase

Liska xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just came across this on the 'you might also like' widget and had a wee nosey. I agree with lots of what you have here. JC hated his plastic bath and his moses basket. We was swaddled until his wee tubby belly could fit the swaddle blankets at 5 months and now he is in sleeping bags. I would be interested to know your thoughts on colic as it is something I really struggled with and despite trying what I thought was everything, failed to combat this. x


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