Sunday 20 February 2011

8:30 till 8 something


In my Dear So and So I said how Aaron had fallen asleep at 8:30 two nights in a row which just isn't like him at all but was mucho appreciated.

Those two nights were Wednesday night and Thursday night.

Then Friday night he slept from 8 till 9 on my knee and before I put him down woke up and only went to sleep after I breasfed him to sleep at 10:40.  In cot by about 11 something.

Last night wasn't in bed till about 11:30 p.m.

So I said to hubby today that we only got a glimpse (2 nights) of the 8 till 8 boy but he is back tonight....
and I think today it is because when I put him down at 3:30 for his 2 hour nap, he only slept for about 40 minutes.

Anyway, he'll be up at 8 due to this, so I need to get to bed at a reasonable time so I am ready to deal with an excited 8 month old at 8 a.m. as the day will be full on from then on.

Anyway, I want to get BACK to this blog being a log of our lives as baby and Mummy so I will be doing more posts like this (like I used to).

What is REALLY working for us, is him sleeping on his tummy.

Liska xxx

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