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Dear Julie and Julia,
Brilliant movie. You guys rock!
But how very funny that I buy a movie to take a night off blogging and it turns out to be about blogging. I swear... I did not know.
Anyway you got me through what could have been a very difficult night. Thanks.
Film Viewer
Dear Today,
I know what you have in store, do you? Get it right!
Hopeful and Trusting
Dear Future,
You are bright, you just need to remember that.
The present
Dear Laptop,
We spend too much time together, so in the future I will spend a little less time with you. Don't be lonely.
Dear Cybermummy Sponsor,
Don't be shy. I am waiting to hear from you. LOL.
New Mum Online
Dear Current Reader of this,
Click on the graphic below and join in.
New Mum Online.
Dear So and So is very cathartic and is one of the best things you can do. A great way to end the week. Get on over to 3bedroombungalow (what a great name for a blog).
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