Thursday 14 April 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1, 2, 3


Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

  1. I work 3 days a week so today is the new Friday.  Looking forward to a lie in tomorrow.
  2. I got loads done today.
  3. Seeing 3 friends this Sunday.
  4. Aaron's settled really well into childcare.
  5. Aaron's 10 months tomorrow.
  6. Enjoying Eastenders right now...

    Liska xxx


    1. Good times Liska. Enjoy your long weekend! xxx

    2. Sounds a good week to me! Especially the lie in part!

    3. Glad your are settling back into work and that Aaron is adjusting really well. Enjoy your weekend, I'm off on holiday tomorrow so I will catch up with you when I get back x

    4. Glad you had a good day. Roll on your long weekend!

    5. Sounds like you have life well and truly sorted xx

    6. Short but sweet and why not?
      I am sure I have said it before but your blog and that pic cheers me up every week.
      My ramblings on cheerfulness are in the usual place at

    7. Lovely reasons! Wish I didn't work Fridays, but then we have got the next 2 as bank hos I suppose :)

    8. Enjoy your long weekend! I've just got caught up on eastenders, its about time they finally brought the baby story to a conclusion but ooh what about Max and Tania, couldn't see that one coming MUCH!


    9. you have just reminded me to watch Eastenders on catch-up. Jealous of your lie-in and I've forgotten what its like to get anything done! (typing this with wriggly 8wk old on lap!) Have a good week x

    10. I love the combination of getting 'me' time AND getting things done. Have a lovely time with your friends :)


    Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.