Tuesday 5 April 2011



The Wikio rankings were released today.  I got ranked for the first time in March at 334 .

In just one month I have jumped to 252.  That's good news :-)

That's an increase of 82 places :-)

Yours happy,
Liska xxx


  1. Well done! Tots will be out soon too. I made the 100 once, but only once then plummeted 388 places!

  2. That is fantastic news and it is a great blog. Well done you x

  3. Well done Liska, that's great jumping. How did yesterday go? Have you removed yourself from Twitter? I can't seem to find you anymore as wanted to tweet you to ask how you were xxx

  4. Good for you! My klout score is up, tots score down and can't even make wiki work! SO confusing!


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