Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Gallery - Chilled Out

This week's Gallery theme is chilled out.

Well Aaron does that very well.

Apologies for the "flash" action but the sun was very glaring.

This was Aaron chilling, sleeping al fresco :-)

As you can see, he likes to put his feet up bless him.

The above pictures were taken on Sunday (8th May).

Here is one of him relaxing drinking his bottle, from Saturday:

Very chilled!
I've just had to log back on when I was on my way to bed as I forgot THE most chilled out photo:

The sleepsuit makes him look young but it is a recent photo.

Liska x


  1. Is is one laid back little dude! Bless him xxx

  2. Lovely collection Liska, he always looks very chilled and his pictures prove that. Gorgeous :-) x

  3. Ahhh, he looks so relaxed. Thanks for your comment the other day... Hello Liska,

    i’d love to join in the Mum Tum if that’s okay - or is it just the mummy's you mentioned? Trying to get myself back into fitness. I do know Cow PR, but only because I work in the PR Industry. The book in the header is Purple Cow by Seth Godin.

    Hope to see you at BlogCamp tomorrow. x

  4. They really don't know how lucky they are at that age! Ohh to be young :)

  5. Oh he gorgeous and certainly does look chilled out! xxx

  6. You have one chilled out baby there x


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