Friday 2 March 2012

When Words Heard becomes a Force For Good


This blog is now my own.  *My blog* *My rules* *My voice* *For real*

I have reclaimed my voice.

I believe in freedom of speech.  Do you?

Liska - find me at #WordsHeard

What we sung on Sunday 26 Feb - it spoke to me!

Asleep Sunday 26 Feb

At peace Friday 2 March


  1. #wordsheard I missed all this happening Liska. I'm so sorry you had such a negative experience. I'm so proud of you for doing this response (I hate if this sounds patronising but I can't think of a better word.) You've spoken with honesty, emotion and integrity. I hope you can put all the ugliness behind you and move on knowing there are people out here in the virtual world that love you. I've seen some horrible behaviour online. I stay away from Twitter these days. I keep my blog...which is my space. Be happy lovely x

    1. Thank you. I had a heavy feeling which lessened when I decided to do the Vlog. Then I bumped into a professional who offered to film it, then I knew it was meant to be.
      All of the clouds lifted when I did it and even if nobody watched it, it achieved that - thank you for your support.
      I'll never again be in a position where someone can ask me to take a post down.
      Liska x

  2. #wordsheard
    Lisa I have loved reading your blog ever since I started blogging myself about a year ago and have always admired your honesty and openness.
    I read your post with the screen prints but didn't comment as I didn't know how to form the words that described how it made me feel.
    I really like that you posted a video. People can see what your words mean and not take it out of context, in a way that the written word doesn't allow..
    Unfortunately there are bitter bullies in all walks of life but even more so on the internet. I'm glad you haven't let them put you down .#nocensorship

    1. thank you for your beautiful words - sadly the post exposed behaviour that then quadrupled on the Saturday.
      But with this video I bring positive heart-filled energy into the whole experience.
      I hope it never happens to anybody else.
      But I am now a warrior and not a worrier.
      Liska xx

  3. #wordsheard I've been following this incident on twitter and across your blog. I was really upset when I read some of the comments that people were making about you on twitter, knowing you personally, I know you are not 'a fuckwit' or 'a mentalist'. I felt that you were being made out to be mentally unhinged because you had an opinion and you felt the need to voice it. I actually didn't care at all about the initial argument, what I did care about was the bitching that went on behind the scenes on Twitter. You have bigger balls than me, I would never have posted my feelings about the situation like you did. Not because I wouldn't have felt angry or annoyed but because I would have been worried about the repercussions. I would have been worried about the negative things people would say about me behind my back, which I guess is what you wrote the post for in the first place. Hope you are feeling better about things now that your view is 'out' there!

    1. Oh.... if only they were the only 2 words. Sadly I saw all of them and there were quite a few. If any of the tweeters watch the video hopefully they might now realise I am none of those things.
      Those balls you describe I have had since I was knee high to a grasshopper, and I won't stand for what I saw on Saturday.
      Luckily my lovely video-man has the same values.
      Liska xx

  4. Replies
    1. thank you and you were brave enough to comment on the original post too. So you are already in the censor-free camp.
      I see your comments on other posts to and I LOVE your mature and considered responses.
      You are a legend

  5. #wordsheard - Bloody hell, don't know what I have missed either...hope you are OK, you seemed upset at the end of your video, which incidentally, is very empowering at the same time. I dip in and out of social media when it suits me, I could take it or leave it but others seem very wrapped up in a virtual are most definitely not a fuckwit or mentalist, I have met you several times and you are lovely.

    Peace out

    S.A.M xoxo

  6. #wordsheard well done on putting together an eloquent and straight talking vlog. I hope you don't take flak for this as it seems like you were upset at the end of the video.
    Hugs to you and Aaron xx

    1. God seems to have made the flak go away. I just did my bit in being the voice.
      Till now I was back going to Church for Aaron (1st for his baptism) but what's happened this week, will certainly mean I am now in with both feet. I have had so much heavenly support xx

  7. #wordsheard

    So proud of you lovely lady. Again I missed the incident but it is such a shame that you had to endure such a horrible encounter. You have been one of my closest friends since we started blogging and remain so and anyone who knows you, knows you would never say or do anything to cause hurt or harm. xx

  8. #wordsheard. At a bit of loss for words Liska but glad you have your power back. Now get back to that Yoga young lady!

    BTW - Interesting theme on your blog, it lets me change how I see it, is is supposed to do that?

    Mich x

    1. Don't worry I was the same until God took up the baggage and carried the load - never fully believed in that till this week, but wow, now I'm a believer.
      Yes you are meant to be able to set the view - refreshing hey.
      Liska x

  9. Oh Liska, how awful that this has happened - I don't know the full details. I think I know the tweet that may have started it all but not sure what's gone on since as I don't spend much time on twitter. It's such a shame when things get totally out of hand like this. I'm just glad I wasn't involved as I would just go to pieces.

    I actually have a post lined up about c-sections (I had to have an elective one with MC as she was breech and wouldn't turn). It's something I'm planning to post after the new baby arrives - I'm 36 weeks on Monday eek!.

    Anyway, now I'm waffling. I'm so glad you've made this video, you can see how much it's got to you - I just want to give you a hug.


    p.s. Having met you a couple of times now I can vouch that you are genuine

    oh and p.p.s. #wordsheard :)

    1. What a fab reply - thank you.

      I am glad you didn't see the hoo-ha on Saturday night as it was a witch hunt and it was full of dark energy which would NOT be good for a pregnant lady to witness or absorb.

      Thank you for commenting and I will be thinking of you.

      #WordsHeard and much love,

      Liska xx

  10. #wordsheard

    Well done for standing up for yourself against the bullies. The mummy blogging community doesn't seem to welcome freedom of speech, does it?

  11. Totally missed all of this, honey.
    So glad you have taken such a positive step to shake off the bad energy. #wordsheard xx


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