Sunday 13 May 2012

Inner Truth week 10

Inner Truth

Well here I am another week on, and I am still in the same situation as last week.  Still needing trust; still about to take a leap of faith.  It is scary scary times for me.

Guinness you can see me through :-) - this is me in Malta a couple of years ago....

BUT what this has taught me is that during times like this, beautiful people get even more beautiful.  Supportive people become ever more supportive.  Those you love, are more loving.  My beacons of strength are like life jackets, and I am clinging on for dear life.

I have spoken to my Mum about 3 times a day, every day since Monday, and she has taken me out of the depths of despair nearly every day.

I was in super spirits and soooooooooo optimistic, till Friday.  Friday: the bubble burst, and I went under.  Took a few people to help me change trains Friday evening, to go and collect Aaron from nursery - yes, I know I don't work Fridays, but I did.......

Then it was all looking up Friday night, from the bottom of two cans of Stella, till Saturday arrived and I really sunk into my boots and couldn't stop crying.

It really effected Aaron and for the 1st time in his life he wouldn't even have his afternoon nap.

But luckily I called the healer who cured my PND a few weeks back and he sorted me out.  I then had a super Saturday night, not only my usual self, but feeling fantastic.  Did loads of housework and phoned my Mum and we had loads of giggles.

Now today, Sunday, I decided to meet family friends on the way back from church and we spent the day in their garden with the super weather and they made lunch followed by a gorgeous dinner. And that was even though we had lunch in a cafe on the way there ;-)

Speaking of the cafe, Aaron had the WHOLE cafe laughing till they were crying, with his funny version of counting to ten!

But at the family friends, we were there from 14:30 to 21:30 and Aaron had so so so much fun - there are some photos on my phone - I will try and get the onto this post tomorrow (not tonight).

Anyway, it is beautiful, when you have beautiful people in your life.

This week, I do not know what I would have done without them to be honest.

On a good note, every spiritual resource I can get access to, have ALL confirmed it will be resolved within 2 weeks - so I am holding the space, keeping the faith and trusting!

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Liska xxx

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  1. Sorry things are so tought at the moment Liska but so glad you have a good support network to help you and your beautiful boy of course. Mich x

  2. Hope everything is OK? It's nice that you and your mum are so close, it helps having that kind of support around you. I have linked up again with the same post as last week, hope you don't mind?x

  3. Not sure what to say except that I wish you all the best. You are a fabulous woman and your time will come.

  4. Hope everything sorts itself out soon!


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.