Sunday 20 May 2012

Inner Truth - Week 11

Inner Truth

Here we are... another week on... and I am deeper into my situation, but far from out the other side of it.

It is certainly a testing time and still one that requires faith and truth.  Also, heaps of stamina.  My trusty kindle is getting me through, as I have read a few good books lately.

I am finding solace at the bottom of cans/bottles of Stella, without becoming an alcoholic, but weight-loss is at the BOTTOM of my list of priorities.  Yes, and BOTTOM is capitalised for a reason; it is a big word and a big body part - LOL!

I have grown through this situation.  I have heard phrases like "laugh and the world laughs with you" and "it is just a state of mind" - those phrases teach me, that we get only as stressed as we allow ourselves to.

So, there are days where I decide not to.  My very foundations are shaky, but I am smiling and getting on with it, and as usual, thinking of others, before I think of myself.  HR is really the PERFECT job for me, because naturally I think about HUMAN resources.  Each and every person is a reality for me.  Nobody is just a number on payroll, no matter who they are.

Anyway, I know that in a couple of weeks I will look back on this fondly, as a time when I struggled through, and aged 10 years in 10 days, but for now, I plough on.

Sad to think that I was meant to go to Ireland with Aaron, from 17th to 26th May, and we had to let the Ryan Air flight come and go.  I couldn't even pay to change it as (1) it would have been £85 and (2) I did not know of another time that would be a good time to go.

So God, thank you for walking with me these last couple of weeks, and please, continue to hold my hand.  I need you.

The good thing is this is week 11 of this Monday linky blog hop and number 11 means: Perfection of the Being.....

I am certainly on a path to perfect my being, and these testing times are scrubbing me up to do just that.
Liska xx

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope the coming week is better for you.

  3. Ohh what a shame you missed your Ireland trip Liska. Very inspiring to read how you are coping during these V difficult times. God is there, supporting you. Mich x

  4. I wish you an easier time ahead. xxx


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