Thursday 12 July 2012

Reasons to Be Cheerful

Even though I have just written a post, here I am straight away writing another, and for a few reasons.
One, it is too long since I have participated in R2BC; two, I need to find some reasons to be cheerful, what with the weather, and having been made redundant; three, might be nice to ponder on what has made me cheerful here in Ireland (nice to appreciate the holiday DURING the holiday rather than on reflection at home); and four, Michelle inspired me with her post.

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

So here goes:
  1. Aaron is simply loving the open space, and the many, varied opportunities to get outside.
  2. He's loving spending time with my Mum and my cousin Michelle.
  3. I am getting a bit of a chance to chill, in the sense that my Mum is doing all the housework, as we are staying with her, so I just have the usual work of chasing a two year old, but without the added extra of domestic "bliss" - oh the irony!
  4. I'm in Ireland and I simply LOVE Ireland, having spent ALL my childhood school holidays here, having had my 21st birthday party here AND my wedding.
  5. The swimming pool is literally across the road from my Mum's - for obvious reasons I have no photos from there :-(
  6. We still have a while yet, as we are not going back till Monday.
  7. Despite having been made redundant, I don't feel spooked out at not being employed.  I don't know if God is looking after me, or if I am just being brave, but I thought I would be in a complete panic yet I am okay!  I am enjoying this opportunity to let one phase/era get out of my system before a new one begins.  And although I have ALWAYS been financially independent having put myself through university, it is not spooking me that for the 1st time in 24 years I do not have a job! eeek! no I am okay ;-) 
  8. I felt okay before I had the astrological birth chart reading but that confirmed that I am allowed to have this down time before rushing into anything.
Bye for now, Liska x


  1. Hi, thanks for popping over and for you comment, its nice to know we are not alone. I was going to email you but can't find an email address, i dunno just to chat really, I have not mentioned much on my blog and its taken me a long long time (years) to even do so but I completely uinderstand about not doing it - mine is x

  2. Down time is a wonderful thing, so glad you are enjoying yourself Liska. Mich x

  3. Glad you are enjoying yourself - good luck for the future, I hope another job comes along when you want or need it. :)

  4. I am glad you are enjoying yourself xx

  5. Wasn't going to come online at midnight + 30 minutes, but so glad that I did, to find these lovely comments xxx

  6. Glad you are finding so much positivity though Ireland does that to most people! I'm sure something will come up soon enough to fill the job hole


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.