Friday 18 January 2013

Why We Are Not Going Outside to Play in The Snow - UK London Friday 18th January 2013

There isn't a person in the UK right now who doesn't know that it is snowing.

AND it is sticking on the ground!  Even in London.

I have made this collage of our window views.  We can't go out in it as Aaron is very sick.

It was already coming down when we got up so I have no idea when it started.
It's odd as we had snow on Monday which didn't really stick and then it completely went away to the point where yesterday was really sunny with a clear blue sky. With a day like yesterday you wouldn't expect to wake up to this.  It is very pretty when you are inside looking out at it, and don't have to worry about travel restrictions.

A couple of hours ago Aaron's nursery sent a text (he's never gone there on Fridays but they must have sent it to all parents).  It said that parents HAVE to collect children at 15:45 (it's normally 18:00) that they have had severe weather warnings (so are closing early).  I feel sorry for parents who now have to approach their boss to say that they need to leave early.  Yes, some people can work from home, but not everyone.  Maybe some bosses will be totally understanding - here's hoping.

As Aaron has been on medication since Tuesday night (calpol and nurofen) and does not really have an appetite, I am clearly very worried about his nutrition which he needs if he is going to have any chance of fighting this virus, which has seen him with flu symptoms, an eye infection AND an ear infection.

So I resorted this afternoon to JUICING as Aaron LOVES to help me, by feeding the juicer, and he always drinks our creations.

This is made with a WHOLE pineapple and about 5 apples.

It really is YUMMY, and naturally very frothy like a smoothy:

We're linking up with the SNOWTASTIC linky over at Childcare is Fun

Liska xxx


  1. Oh bless him poor little chap!

    Hope he is much better soon (before it all melts) or - you could get some on a tray to play with inside? I saw Emma at Mummy,Mum,Mum had posted some really fun indoor snow activities on FB today.

  2. We had snow last week and I also blogged about it from the window. I got such flack from everyone about not taking DD out in the snow but I hate it. Wish Aaron better. xxx

  3. Poor Aaron, hope he is on the mend again soon.

    Edward doesn't really like the snow so we bring it inside in a bowl for him to play with!

  4. poor darling, wishing him better. Are you going stir crazy??!!

  5. Oh poor Aaron hope he is feeling better soon. We had flu for entire Christmas & New Year and Pooh Bear was ill over the weekend again. There seems to be a lot going round xxx

  6. Oh, such a shame he couldn't go out to enjoy the snow. Hopefully we might get some when he is feeling better.


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