Thursday 21 March 2013

Dr Oetker's New Panebello Pizzas - Yummy

We were sent the above two pizzas to try, and I can't recommend them enough. 

I have never tasted pizza quite like it to be honest. It's my first time tasting pizzas that taste healthy, and more importantly, wholesome.  With all the food scandals at present, it made a really pleasant surprise.

The inspiration for these new pizzas was fresh baker's bread, so they are crispy on the outside and light and fluffy like on the inside.

For this reason I would recommend eating them when still hot, fresh out of the oven.  Yummy.

But what really blew us away was the standard of the toppings.

Healthy, plentiful, colourful, and delicious.  Look at the first picture below.  Before I even took the plastic off, I was impressed with the quality of toppings.

I let Aaron eat the pizzas whilst watching telly.  His favourite was definitely the pepperoni one; so was Daddy's but we only let him have 2 slices ;-).

I have never seen a frozen, or delivered for that matter, pizza, have that many toppings.  So I was impressed before the pizzas even went in the oven.

Panebello comes from Dr. Oetker, who is the market leader in frozen pizza and makers of Ristorante. It’s Dr. Oetker’s most innovative deep pizza launch, which brings together two great passions – fresh bakery style bread and Italian toppings.

Panebello is available in two flavours, both of which we were sent: Carne Speciale, and Pomodoro Mozzarella.  The Carne Speciale is the one with the pepperoni on, which is good as Aaron LOVES it!  To him it is "ham" which he calls "pam" :-)

Mozzarella cheese is perfectly combined with tomatoes and basil on the Pomodoro Mozzarella to create a pizza that is simply mouth-watering.

The pizzas will be available nationwide from April but are already in selected supermarkets now.

What REALLY struck me about them is how healthy they taste.  I did not taste any salt, and I did not get that head rush you get from MSG or ingredients like that, so I would say, in my opinion these pizzas are good for people who don't ordinarily eat junk food, like children I guess.

If you are expecting a greasy pizza that you can just unconsciously shove in your face, these are not for you.  I would say that they have to be eaten whilst being enjoyed and savoured.  I think people (well healthy people) will be pleasantly surprised.

Disclosure: Our only compensation for this review, was being sent the pizzas.  All words and opinions are my own, except where I have indicated that it is a cutting from the press release.  I genuinely enjoyed these pizzas, and would say so if I didn't.

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