Friday 12 July 2013

Reasons To be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Well.... reason ONE just has to be that the host of #R2BC mentioned me AND linked to me this week, so now I am writing this Reasons To Be Cheerful post, while I should be sleeping.

Thanks so much Mich for including me; it means a great deal.

I have been without a computer since Monday but tonight hubby has leant me his and is not prepared to lend it to me again in the morning #violins.

So here I am, cramming in a post whilst I can
  1. Covered above!
  2. Aaron's had chicken pox last week and this week and today, I can honestly say we are over it. Scabs falling off and everything.  I am very cheerful about the fact that in the whole ordeal there was only one day, one wee day, where he was distressed and out of sorts.  Fab!  He did wake me every night for a few days for 2 drinks a night though (12 oz each) whilst he was running a temperature, but I think keeping him hydrated was part of winning the battle (I thank God that he is still on bottles as hydrating mid-night lying down is easy that way).  Yet again, I am glad I did not listen to others.
  3. A huge bonus of chicken pox is it has meant that we have conquered getting out of nappies (they were aggravating the pox on his bum and lower back). 
  4. Also despite being out of nappies for days he would not do a poo in the loo, despite doing loads and loads of wees, but today we had our first poo.  Considering some little ones spend months refusing to do a poo anywhere other than their nappy I was very happy with this.  It wasn't easy though - we spent about 30 minutes in the toilet.  I had to chant yoga mantras and everything LOL.  Yes I practically hypnotised him, but it worked!
  5. I had a great long weekend at Featherdown Farm with Anya Harris (Older Single Mum).  That in itself is a reason to be cheerful as it was a complimentary holiday due to a competition win.  Please see my last blog post.  It includes a video (that due to computer problems took me a WEEK to make).
  6. I have two of my favourite girlfriends coming round this Saturday.
  7. I have done LOTS of decluttering thanks to being without a computer.
  8. I have really been enjoying the sun.  I made sure Aaron did too despite the pox.  We have some STUNNING pictures I can share with you all, once I have a computer again.
  9. I'm really enjoying my new camera - glad I bought it, despite it making me overdrawn.  The great pics are worth it.
Bye for now, I think I should get some sleep.

Liska xx


  1. A new era without nappies - well done both of you! Hmmm I see this was supposed to be a blog hop - I just linked back, oh well. And I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from your new camera. Have a good weekend my fellow faith filled blogger :).

  2. Howdy,lovely to catch up with all your news, even though you should have been snozing, lol. So glad Aaron is over the pox and without nappies - yay!

    Mich x


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