Tuesday 5 November 2013

Mortified at Google #GoogleMums

I got my dream day out, via an invite to Google HQ.  No childcare required - kids welcome!  What could possibly go wrong?

Central Saint Giles, the location of Google London is very impressive on arrival.  Aaron and I were both in awe.  Big colourful buildings similar to the colourful Google logo letters.  Our spirits were high.  This was to be a fun morning.

Our time in reception was great; lots to see and explore.

Things were good when we went up to the 9th floor too.  A TV screen especially for the kids, and paper & pens for drawing.  Children even allowed on stage as the Google speakers spoke.  A dream come true...

Then the meltdown to end all meltdowns happened... in a public place... in front of my peers, at Google Head Quarters. At. Google. Head. Office.  He punched me in the face, my lip bled.... I was mortified.... My boy who normally has a meltdown that lasts 90 seconds had one that lasted 30 minutes.  To say I want to crawl in a hole and forget the whole thing is an understatement.  Maybe when I stop feeling mortified I will add the notes I took to this post.  Maybe tonight when my little terror toddler is in bed.  My THREENAGER!

I actually have another post in me, as we went onto Hamleys from Google, and I took over 100 photos... but I have to collect him from nursery now, so I think I will leave this here for now.  My 3rd incomplete post in as many days.

I came away from #GoogleMums knowing that I want, and need a Chrome Book!!!

Actually as we walked out of the Google building my ever so observant boy noticed a rainbow on the ground and as we neared Hamleys the sky was ever so blue, so the clouds quite literally lifted off this stressed out pair:

Liska xx

P.S. the little girl above, drew that "Thomas" after seeing me draw one.  Amazing. She is Ruth's daughter from Rock 'n' Roller Baby


  1. A nice write up of your day at #GoogleMums, I could see how much you wanted the ground to swallow you up - I did try and check in with you and find out if you were okay, but I could sense you just wanted to be left alone. It was probably very overwhealming for him and he just didn't know how to handle the situation other than to lash out :( Big hugs and hope your lip feels better xxx

  2. Lisa, it was wonderful to meet you again yesterday. Meltdowns happen - we were all mums there and we understand completely. Hope your lip is better. Looking forward to seeing you again at the next event. xx

  3. Freddy had a meltdown in a shoe shop yesterday because he wanted a Skylanders bag! I had to carry him out under my arm whilst he swiped at me with his little fists. Sometimes I think our beautiful blog babies just get so many opportunities to do things and just get overstimulated. You are not alone xxx

  4. oh no! Hate it when that happens - we have all been there!! Sounds like the Google event was good though, disappointed I couldnt make it in the end! and love the thomas drawing

    anna (intheplayroom)

  5. Oh bless you! I hate that feeling that people are all looking and thinking oh my goodness look at that horrible child...fact is most people are thinking oh bless her I am glad its not me today! Looking forward to reading a happier post! xx

  6. It's ahorrible feeling when you think everyone is looking at you or your child. But meltdowns have happened to us all at one time or another so I'm sure no one noticed it as much as you- it must be really difficult attending these things with kids in tow anyway let alone hoping they will be on their best behaviour. Don't worry too much about it, lovely meeting you too :)

  7. oh no! it has all happened to us all at some point! shame it had to happen at such an awkward time! would love to visit Google HQ! Hope your feeling better about it now.

    Carly (Mummy and the chunks) x

  8. It's horrible but we've all been there. It's horrendous at the time but I bet no one noticed as much as you thought. Too busy making sure their own children behaved!

  9. Absolutly mortifying indeed! You have my sympathies. However, he is three and any parent in there will understand that 3 year olds can vary wildly in their behaviour and when they are not happy, they will make sure everybody knows it! I hope you both had fun at Hamleys x

  10. You poor thing, hope you've recovered now and realise no one would have been judging you. Embarrassing but at least you were in the company of other mummy's x

  11. Bless you. I have to say I read this thinking.. oh my gosh I am so pleased that things like this don't just happen to me!! Toddler tantrums are at their best, very testing. But you survived and seems you ended your day on a fab high :) xxx


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