Wednesday 19 February 2014

11 Questions About Me Answered

12 Hours to Bedtime (great blog by the way) tagged me, and asked me these 11 questions:

1.Which James Bond would you rush off into the sunset with?
2.If you had to eat the same meal for dinner for a whole month, what would you eat?
3.Which Olympic event (Summer or Winter) would you compete in?
4.What is the most fascinating city or country you have ever visited?
5.Name one piece of advice you will give your child when they start dating.
6.Have you ever had your fortune told or your palm read? If so, did they get your future right?
7.What was the last dream you remember having?
8.What is your least favourite household chore?
9.For you Twilight fans out there: Team Edward or Team Jacob?
10.Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
11.Do you take a hot water bottle to bed at night?

So here are my answers to them:

1.Which James Bond would you rush off into the sunset with?
Sean Connery obviously.  

Although I would request that he looks like THIS:
Legendary: Sena played suave British agent James Bond for almost a decade, and appeared in seven hit films<br>

And NOT like THIS!!!

Although of course I would not mind if he looked like this:

Anyhow, it is immaterial as it is ALL about the accent so perhaps he could just phone me!

2.If you had to eat the same meal for dinner for a whole month, what would you eat?
Salad, that is the only thing I could tolerate having THAT much of.  It would have to be a wholesome one obviously, with potato salad, lots of good green leaves and some tasty dressing, and salad cream and boiled eggs and........ the list goes on...
3.Which Olympic event (Summer or Winter) would you compete in?
Definitely 100% Summer.  I am to be found next to an open fire when it is cold, if and when I can find one!
4.What is the most fascinating city or country you have ever visited?
Tokyo/Japan all the way.  I found my SPIRIT in the budhist museum in Ueno Park there (literally got tears in my eyes with each budha statue I looked at), I felt my soul in all of the Temples I visited, and I even went to Disney Land - I have never met anyone who knew that that part of the world even has one - well I personally have not been to the nearer ones and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to go when I was in the same city. Japan is also where I got my first digital camera, but sadly none of the photos are on THIS computer.  They have their version of Tottenham Court Road LOL! It's called Akihabara!  I got THE first model of Sony Cybershot there (in 2004) and now I am on my 3rd, with all 3 being Sony Cybershots.  Yes I am loyal.  That's just me! Been with the same fella for 25 years too!
5.Name one piece of advice you will give your child when they start dating.
Ditch the bitch!
6.Have you ever had your fortune told or your palm read? If so, did they get your future right?
Of course.  This is a natural and frequent thing for me personally to do.  Fortune was done via an astrological reading, which predicted when Aaron would be born, which is why I was not worried about infertility.  A hand reading last year predicted something that has just started to happen in recent weeks since November.  I can't say more at this point.
7.What was the last dream you remember having?
I had a very detailed one last night.  I remember waking at 7 a.m. and going back to sleep till 8 a.m. so I could finish it, thus making us late for nursery - only trouble is I cannot remember any of it now.
8.What is your least favourite household chore?
All of them.  Actually it was hoovering.  ALWAYS hoovering.  I would literally do it once a month.  Now, I find it so easy to nip around with my portable Dyson DC59 I now hoover about 3 times a day.  I can even do the stairs, which with a big upright previously was always Daddy's job.  Life changing. I mentioned it in my last #LiskaLoves blog post.
9.For you Twilight fans out there: Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Definitely Edward.  I was a massive Twilight fan and read all of the books, watched all of the movies.  I also got my Mum to read them and she loved them.
10.Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?
Sadly only one or two, which I regret an awful lot.  You have given me the nudge I needed by asking me this question.  I want to pin down my best friend Raquel, from secondary school.
11.Do you take a hot water bottle to bed at night?
Of course not! Does ANYBODY still do that??????????????????

So what do you think? Do you know me a little more now? ;-)

So now I have to acknowledge 12 Hours to Bedtime for tagging me by linking back to her and ask 11 further bloggers 11 further questions:

1. If you're into soaps, are you a Corrie or Enders girl?
2. What's your favorite You Tube video?
3. If you were to be rescued from a fire and given a fireman's lift by a celebrity, who would he be?
4. What is your favourite childhood book?
5. Are you a Mummy or Daddy's girl?
6. Bath or shower?
7. Have you ever seen or sensed a ghost? Tell me about it!
8. When do you feel at peace? How? When?
9. If I voted you for PM, what would you change about the UK?
10. The youth of today are....... [finish that sentence]
11. What's your superfood of choice?

I tag the following 11 bloggers:

I am Typecast - Nickie joined in here: An Interview with Me and it's well worth a read.
Lazy Girl's Guide to Life - Claire has joined in too: 11 Questions Answered and makes some great observations about the current housing situation
Done #phew

Night night.  Although I may just watch Corrie on ITV Player first


  1. Replies
    1. FABULOUS. Sorry I tweeted you so so late (I think you were still awake though). Sorry if this kept you up even later - thanks for joining in the fun :-)
      Can't wait to read your answers AND see what questions you come up with - I know they will be very interesting indeed knowing you.
      Liska x

    2. Done!

    3. also added a link to your post IN my post now x

  2. I loved this! Going to Disneyland in Japan sounds immense! I've not been to any yet mind you!
    I hate chores with a passion, though hoovering may just be my favourite lol

    1. You love hoovering? You weirdo ;-)
      Although with my new toy I love it too and now vacuum several times a day xx

  3. Hope you had fun answering my questions. I used to be a Sean Connery girl too until Daniel Craig showed up :-) Loved the questions you asked too. Have you ever seen or sensed a ghost?

  4. I am a Sean Connery fan too - it is the accent definitely. I am so jealous you went to Japan! I was watching a film about Japan earlier today. I would love to go there.

  5. I think I prefer Sean as a silver surfer! x

  6. I'd eat chinese for a month easily

  7. Love this. I've always had a bit of a thing for Sean Connery but have to say his latest replacement is MUCH nicer :)

  8. Always, ALWAYS Sean Connery - he is a foxy fox!!

    I would LOVE to go to Japan - maybe one day I'll get there!!

    Next time a meme comes your way, do feel free to tag me - some of them are great fun! xx

  9. I can definitely do the children's book one! I loved Fantastic Mr Fox and I still do, it is fun, fast-paced and the underdog wins :-)

  10. I take a hot water bottle in the winter!

  11. So Daniel Craig and his bright blue eyes.. wouldn't say no :')

  12. Aw, poor Sean - he looks so sweet in those DM pics! I'm with you on the salad, totally. And I too HATE hoovering. With a PASSION!

  13. Love your advice in number 5! I have to disagree on JB though, for me it is the gorgeous Mr Craig all the way, though if he had Sean Connery's voice I might just explode with lust!

    1. he he on number 5...... ;-)
      Yes imagine the looks, the youthfulness AND the voice! Explode indeed!

  14. Very interesting! I can never remember my dreams either (apart from the really awful ones) :(

  15. I would choose Sean too, mainly for his voice though! I am also the same with household chores but also love my DC59!

    1. Oh the DC59..... I have NEVER loved any product so so so much x

  16. Aaah Sean Connery's a bit too orange in that first pic for my liking! I'm envious of your trip to Tokyo - I'd love to go.

  17. I absolutely HATE it when you can't remember a good dream, so annoying! maybe it will come back to you?!

  18. Yep Sean Connery here as well! He looks gorgeous on both of the photos :)

    1. Oh my point about him looking better was better than something I'd linked to (not comparing the two pics I featured). You'll get a massive shock if you click through (at least I did) xx

  19. I know you so much better now!

  20. I do like a bit of Sean but I would have chosen Roger Moore as he's in my favourite Bond films.I haven't done a meme in years, they were the thing to do before linky's.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Memes were GREAT back in the day weren't they - I really miss them x

  21. I love reading these, get to know people so much better!

    1. I have a couple from recent months that I have been tagged in and not done yet - I think they are even more enlightening x

  22. Posts like this are priceless... they give great insight to who is really behind every blog... I really like reading them

  23. Fun post! haha team Edward all the way too!


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