Tuesday 28 October 2014

Pears Golden Moments Competition. We Time Beats Me Time Hands Down.

Pears is an iconic traditional British brand, the originator of those quintessential British soap posters we all know and love.

This year Pears is celebrating their 225th year.

In August I was one of 30 lucky Mums who got wired up to technology to measure brain activity and physiological responses. Luckily despite my rather fetching headband, the beautiful environment we were in and the team we were with, both put us at ease, as you can clearly see in the pics. 
We were tested to see which everyday activities would give us the maximum feel good moment, the most relaxation. You would think it would be the "me time" when we got to read a magazine, have a session of reflexology, or spend some time on social media, but no it was the "we time" with our children that prompted our most joyful responses, as indicated on the computers we were wired up to.

Aaron came with me and had a lovely afternoon in Covent Garden. We'd actually also been there the night before for an Ice Cream Sandwich event.
From all of the activities we did in Covent Garden that day in August, Pears was able to put together a Pears' Golden Moments Scale for Mums.
  • simple cuddle from our child unanimously gave mums a ‘feel good’ highpoint which topped the Golden Moments Scale
  • Giving our child a small gift and watching them open it gave us a major boost, ranking 3rd on the Pears Golden Moments Scale.
  • Checking Facebook scores lowest on the scaleIn a world where digital escapism is increasingly mum’s easiest form of ‘me time’, Pears Soap found that this has the least positive impact on our emotional well-being – with Facebook and online clothes hopping coming bottom, and even making mums feel emotionally tired. 

Sloan Sheridan-Williams, Relationship expert, said: There are six emotional needs that determine personal happiness: Comfort, Variety, Love, Significance, Contribution and Personal Growth. ‘Me time’ can rarely tick all of these, but ‘We time’ has the potential to fulfil many more; the cuddle task came out on top and ticks a lot of these needs. Also, the fairy cake decorating scored highly and you could see the mums lighting up as they helped their child in this task.”
Rajneesh Varma, a spokesperson for Pears Soap, said: “Mums are often run ragged juggling several occupations and indulging in ‘Me time’ has long been cited as an immediate tonic. However, our research shows that it is actually everyday activities spent with their children, such as a bed-time story or decorating a fairy cake, that give mums a heightened sense of pleasure and emotional worth, and leaves them feeling and looking more vibrant long after they have completed the task.”

Pears says:
The scale is welcome news for mums today on ‘Blue Mum-Day’ - the most stressful day of the year for mums according to statisticians - when a combination of dark nights drawing in, holiday 
debt still to pay off and half-term child-care planning creates a tipping point in mums’ stress levels.
From the results Pears have concluded that the quickest route to happiness for Mums is:

A hug 
decorating a cake with your child 
a massage

Aaron is proudly carrying the cake we decorated together, in the pictures above. I love that the icing looks like a fish.

The findings of their experiment with us resonate with me really well. When I come home from dropping Aaron at school, I sometimes spend a couple of hours on social media, and when I come off it I do feel drained, and all of the housework and items on my to-do list are still there!

The time we spent together with Pears in August further reinforced to me that time needs to mean something, and quality time spent with my son certainly does. I am very grateful for the photos that Pears took that day, and have kindly shared with me, below.

These are the activities that scored highly, that included physical contact with our children: decorating a cake with them, washing their hands (with Pears handwash naturally), giving them a gift (kindly provided by Pears - a task which ranked 3rd on the Pears Golden Moments Scale) and giving them a cuddle. Activities that included physical contact.

Luckily I limit time on social media as I worked out a long time ago, that as much as I sometimes need a break from Aaron he is also the source of my joy! So as much as I often crave me time, when I get it, I often count down the hours and minutes till I see him again.

If you feel the same, and have a "Golden Moment" that you share with your child/children (and often these are everyday activities) then please share your moment in my blog comments below.

About My Blog Competition
This competition will be open to UK residents.
The "prize" is 50 pounds of John Lewis vouchers AND a goodie bag of Pears products. Please enter via Rafflecopter below

There are big prizes also up for grabs on PearsEurope Facebook, which you can navigate to, via Rafflecopter below. Over on Pears Europe Facebook:
Prizes: There will be one winner each week who will win a spot prize, and another winner who will win the star prize. (Five winners in total across the whole promotional period). Spot prizes include a family adventure experience, a family photo-shoot, a trip to Harry Potter Land for family of 4 and a trip to the Zoo for family of 4. The star prize will be a family holiday courtesy of a Thomson Holidays vouchers to the value of £2000. The Ts and Cs of that Facebook comp.

Good luck. I'd love you to watch the video about this Pears Golden Moments experiment. You may *coughs* see a couple of people you recognise #ProudFace

About Pears:
Pears soap, invented in 1789 in London, is the World’s oldest soap brand and owned by Unilever. Over the past 100 years, Pears have perfected the technology of hand crafting a bathing soap that preserves the youthfulness of skin using pure glycerine, oils and natural ingredients. The Pears philosophy of celebrating unadulterated beauty comes shining through in its iconic, core product; the Amber Bar tablet soap. Following its long-standing success, an extensive product range now includes Pears Hand wash, Shower Gel and Oil Clear Bar with further products launching in 2014, all of which have the same energising, rejuvenating effect on users.

Designed to take care of all skin types and all ages, Pears’ products are dermatologically tested, contain no animal derived products or colours and are safe to use on sensitive, delicate skin, adding moisture back in rather than taking it away. Established as the world’s first marketed transparent soap, Pears have crafted their purpose around the idea that true beauty is in its natural, pristine state; a defining principle which is embodied the iconic unblemished, transparency of its products.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post has been listed on The Prize Finder .com
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com - See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/50-pounds-john-lewis-voucher-and-pears-soap-goodies#sthash.Cjg7HAlG.dpuf

This competition is also listed at:

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


  1. Bedtime - not because it means peace and quit, but because I love the minutes before Amy falls asleep. She's always reflecting on her day and I find it incredibly fascinating to hear what had an impact on her, what she found funny, said or interesting x

  2. Everyday mum moment, supper time. Toast and milk before bed, and how sleepy full tummies are.

  3. any 5 minute sit down with a cuppa

  4. I love bathtimes - we have a really good chat

  5. Afternoon nap, cuddled up together.

  6. Reading and having a cuddle before bedtime.

  7. We enjoy digging in the garden ....so much to talk about!

  8. i like the walk home from school :)

  9. My favourite moment is first thing in the morning when my daughter wakes up and we share hugs, dance to the radio and chill out with a cup of tea!

  10. reading the bedtime story and having cuddles before bed :)

  11. A cosy bedtime story followed by a kiss and cuddle goodnight! Ahhhh!

  12. When they see me in the playground and give me a big smile - even better if they run out and give me a big cuddle :)

  13. bath and pyjama time is cosy, especially during the dark nights

  14. suppertime milk and a biscuit moment, snuggled on the sofa

  15. When they run into my bedroom in the morning for a 5-minute "MummySnuggles".

  16. Just before bed, when they're tired enough to stop and have a cuddle :-)

  17. Dinner as usually they help me cook in any way they can :)

  18. Bedtime is so special as we cuddle up together and I read their favourite book to them. I usually fall asleep before they do!

  19. I just love bedtimes..nice story with my boisterous boy snugged up to me. Nice kisses and cuddles x

  20. I love playing hide and seek in the house and seeing my little one laugh and giggle with excitement!
    My fave time of the day is night-time when he snuggles into me to go asleep as I get to cuddle him the most at this time and kiss his head a million times!

  21. Seeing my little ones face light up when I pick a book from the bookcase in his room! He'll snuggle down into bed and you can see the fascination in his eyes when I read to him :)

  22. Bedtime as he loves to engage in reading with me

  23. Anytime spent with my children is priceless,however,bathtime and then wind down to story time is wonderful,we get all snuggled on the bed and have a fantastic half hour,no distractions of tv or anything,just a lovely bedtime story and quiet time xx

  24. You know this doesn't surprise me!! I recently stopped looking at Facebook and only go on for work purposes. I tried limiting it but found I just had to stay away completely... It has made such a difference!!

    My golden moments are the very simple things... The way O runs across the room at nursery to tell me what he has done (usually is it, "I am.playing with my friends, mummy") and the fact he tags the word "mummy" on to the end of so many sentences, as if I am the most important person who needs to know all about his most important things. It's the time he cuddles up for stories and tells me he loves me, completely out of nowhere. How he tells me, "I've had a nice dreams about Angels and spirits"... And that when I asked him what the spirits were like he told me camels, cockroach and crabs... No idea where he got those names from! Oh and how he sings hos own songs, hums whilst he plays, because I am always singing too... His most favourite one right now is one I made up in the car and goes, "I love Oscar, yes I do, I love Oscar, does Oscar love me too?" He squeals "yep" at the end, then sings it to me changing the word "Oscar" for "mummy". My heart soars at those times.

    Such a lovely post, thanks for sharing with us xx

  25. Weekends - when there isn't all the pressure of having to get everything done by a certain time and we can spend some real quality time together

  26. walking to and from school, we talk about everything, very precious times.

  27. when the kids pile into bed with us in the morning and last thing at night for cuddles and stories. I'm lucky that I'm a stay at home mum so I'm always there for them, especially when they are under the weather.

  28. Bathtime is when we talk about the day and have happy time.

  29. Having a chat after school before tea

  30. reading and making up stories together

  31. I'm not an every day mum, my kids are in another country right now. We love hiking when I'm over there though.

  32. cuddle time in bed with my baby boy who is 4 weeks old

  33. Storytime before bed it's relaxed and we have cuddles and talk about the day

  34. I'm not a mum but I am a dad, and everytime I see my son with his mum making each other laugh, that's my favourite mum moment.

  35. We have snuggles in bed for 5mins to 30mins every morning. It really sets me up for the day <3 x

  36. Story time as i love how the kids get involved x

  37. Just those extra long cuddles that are unexpected .

  38. i do remember when they were young how they wore my shoes

  39. Watching th cartoon in bed on a Sunday morning

  40. I love the video, what an interesting project to take part in too! I think my special moment of the day would have to be the ten minutes of sleepy cuddles before bedtime!

  41. I'm not a mum yet but love reading to my goddaughter :)

  42. When I sit down with a book with my 2 year old Grand daughter after having run around after her all day!

  43. At the moment I am loving hearing them play whilst I have a coffee

  44. we love reading where the whole family can get involved, changing characters and voices

  45. cuddles when they are initiated by my son instead of me asking! x

  46. Spotting/counting dogs whilst walking or in the car, big dogs get double points! :D

  47. I'm not a mum, but I love staring at my cat on Skype, does that count? I miss him so much. I love when he curls up and does a weird little thing with his paws.

  48. I usually really love the walk to and from school unless it's pouring with rain the time to natter is great! Love the cupcake too, you'd have thought the fish icing was purposeful! xx

  49. Playing in the garden and stories at bedtime.

  50. Love this!! Too bad I'm not in the UK any more!

  51. I love the walk to and from school, thats our time to chat with the two sons :)

  52. Snuggling up on the sofa watching old Disney films

    (bex smith on rafflecopter)

  53. My children are that bit older but we make a rule of sitting down to tea at the table, which is a great way to catch up

  54. Morning cuddles! Both my babies are always so smiley in the morning and i love it when they come into our bed for cuddles! xx

  55. Having games nights

    Lynsey Buchanan

  56. My children have a great sense of humour so I adore the conversations we have

  57. Now that baby number 3 has arrived I love seeing how excited the older two are to see her every morning!

  58. Bath and story time

  59. Unfortunately, I don't have children :(

  60. we have a really nice bedtime routine the other half takes the girls up for stories and cuddles and i sort out the little man downstairs and before the girls go up i get kisses and cuddles my eldest always has to give 3 kisses cos shes 3 and my middle 2 cos shes 2 then my little lad will give kisses to copy =)

  61. dinner time is fun in our house lol

  62. Cuddles and bed time stories

  63. Tea time when we sit down to eat and chat about our days

  64. The walk to and from school. Just us and lots of chatting.

  65. When they tell you they love you,And thank you for all the things you do for them.

  66. Love the banter at meal times.

  67. Morning snuggles before we get up in the morning

  68. Cuddles at bedtime! My son will always say stay with mummy, I love you and strokes my hand. He is 8 now so I know it wont last much longer so cherish it while I still have the chance!

  69. Bedtime book reading and cuddles

  70. The moment I pick them up from playgroup and they race over to tell/show me what they have been upto

  71. arts and crafts time with my two boys seeing their creative minds working and their ideas becoming reality.

  72. I love it when my daughter comes home from college and tells me about her day :)

  73. Pears soap always reminds me of my grandmother! I love story time with my kids

  74. You know the best part of my day is first thing in the morning when the boys get in my bed for a cuddle!

  75. I absolutely love it when he's the other side of the room and i say go go go and he will run up to me with his arms out, mine too and give me a big hug i love it !! x

  76. Cuddling up on the sofa to read a bedtime story together.

  77. I love hugs from my nieces and nephews!

  78. Fun days out :)
    Lovely giveaway, thank you. xx

  79. Picking my three up from school. Ive missed them and they've missed me. The moment is short lived - they're tired & grumpy after a long day but its a nice moment to have each day :)

  80. when they are just dried after a bath, that 2 seconds when they are clean !

  81. I love all my time with my children <3 x

  82. General family time. Its rare and we enjoy every moment of it

  83. Love cuddling up on the sofa for a book or movie!


  84. Reading books together before bed, all snuggled up.

  85. Has to be a cuddle, even though my son is 14 and much bigger than me !!

  86. I have been a keen player of the boardgame Risk for twenty years, so was very proud at the weekend that my eldest son played his first game.

  87. Bedtime / story time and sleepy cuddles x

  88. I love snuggling up to my 4 year old son and hearing him read his book from school :)

  89. On route to nursery, we have a little sing along! :)

  90. I love the walk home from school - getting all the gossip on what my girls have been doing all day xx

  91. Every evening when I read the bedtime story and my son giggles - magical

  92. I love walking into my little ones room first thing in the morning and seeing his big smile!

  93. Tea time aswe all sit down and chat about our day x

  94. bedtime for the stories we read together

  95. I love getting together to share a meal

  96. Reading a story before bed - lovely & snuggly!

  97. When I get the chance to snuggle with both girls and no time pressures to be anywhere or do anything

  98. I love reading to my little boy :)


  99. I love reading books with my daughter. We were at the Pears event, and my daughter's around the 30 second mark. I think they managed to get one of the few times that day when she was in a good mood!

  100. i love reading bedtime stories to my daughter (6), especially by genius authors like Dr Seuss.

  101. i love it when my son comes running out of nursery shouting mummy i missed you

  102. home time school run, usually get lots of feedback about her day :)

  103. We love getting the pans out the cupboard and making as much noise as we can! Makes such a change from telling them to be quiet all the time!

  104. I love bedtime, its a chance for us to talk alone and to snuggle up reading stories together.

  105. Every moment with my children is special!

  106. i love those every day cuddles on the sofa chatting about school and then at bed time when my kids start talking for England lol

  107. Bedtime! Where we have quality time together, no distractions, we read lots of books and play games. It's our special time of the day.

  108. My baby dylan eats my nose whenhe wakes without fail and i smile and eat his back

  109. It's always quality time when I see my grandchildren

  110. The first sleepy smile of the day

  111. Bedtime, bath first then cuddles and story before bed.

  112. Bathtime is always special

  113. Cuddles and kisses goodnight

  114. cuddling on the sofa reading her a book!

  115. Reading at bedtime! It's the time of day when we can all just snuggle together and chill out with an exciting book! Happy faces all round!

  116. Bedtime, its quite, reading stories and chatting

  117. Bedtime/Storytime. Everything is quiet and we can just relax and enjoy each others company.

  118. I love my little girl bringing a new book home from pre school every Monday. We have lunch and read it for the first time together before anyone else comes home

  119. We have 'Mummy and Baby Time' every evening - even though he isn't a baby any more. We catch up and talk about our day and say good night with a big hug.
    Love Pears :)

  120. I think Christmases are nice, when all the family are together and happy.

  121. Snuggles first thing in the morning, when my daughter wakes up

  122. Cuddles in the morning

  123. I've enjoyed so many special times with my children & now enjoy my grandchildren. What is really special now is that even though my youngest are now 16 they still enjoy being with me! Must have done something right somewhere along the years xx

  124. Bath and bedtime as it's a quiet relaxing time.

  125. My Good Morning cuddles. They get me through work

  126. chillout time just before bed

  127. Cuddling up and reading them a story

  128. When they climb in bed with me all dopey eyed in the morning and I get a peaceful cuddle for all over 10 seconds! Sarah Bates

  129. Chatting about what we've been doing over dinner.

  130. The humour, we r a crazy family. lol

  131. First thing in the morning when they sit in their beds waiting for me to go in and get them. My daughters are both content just to roll around in their beds and talking to themselves

  132. Bathtime is great fun with both girls splashing one another, and me.

  133. Water fun and Bathtime

  134. reading stories before they go to bed

  135. Reading with them

  136. When were talking a dinnertime xx

  137. Breakfast times are always lovely & especially with a treat at the weekends

  138. I love doing jigsaws with my sons and helping them learn new words.x

  139. When they wake up for cuddles

  140. We love weekends as we get to spend the whole weekend together

  141. Cuddle time - no special time of the day, lots of times at every opportunity!

  142. Reading a special story before bed

  143. when they help around the house

  144. When I go into my little girls room in the morning and shes got bed head and looks so cute

  145. Just listening to them chatting away - so special.

  146. I love first thing in the morning - were all together as a family at breakfast before our busy day of nursery/school and work life take over.

  147. Reading with them, especially at bedtime.

  148. Listening to their banter around the dinner table, and as they leave the house in a morning shouting 'I love you'

  149. When i get home and she has baked me cakes <3

  150. Mine are big girls now, so it's just having a cuppa and a chat

  151. Having my now grown up children enjoying each others company

  152. When my son gets home from school we have a little cuddle and we talk about what has happened at school

  153. dinner time when we all sit round the table and chat about our day think its important from a very early age

  154. I love reading stories to my daughter.

  155. When my DD wakes up and she put her arms out for me to pick her up

  156. Quiet time before bed.....stories giggles and cuddles, you can't beat it <3 x

  157. I love reading stories to my sister

  158. When we're having our dinner

  159. bathtime we have alot of fun playing with their toys

  160. i enjoy the wind down time, bath, snuggles in pj's and stories at bedtime.


Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.