Monday 11 May 2015

The Journey Through Wales and a Tour Of Bluestone

I am yet to collect and gather my thoughts for my review of Bluestone Wales National Park Resort, but I have spent about 88 hours editing and uploading this. Would love your feedback.

It's our journey alongwith a tour of the house/lodge that we stayed in.

Bye for now, lots to do before the school run,
Liska xxx 


  1. Awesome! The lodge looks lovely, if the kitchen were bigger, it would even be my dream home. Glad you had a good stay.
    It's amazing how fast they put up the new lodges behind yours!

  2. When were you at Bluestone? I am wondering if we were there at the same time. I am still writing about our adventure. x

    1. We were there 27th April to 1st May and naughty me not blogged about it yet xx

  3. Sorry it has taken me so long to watch this. Am very impressed with the place - your lodgings and the setting - and looking forward to your fuller review X


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