Thursday 17 September 2015

Our Garden is Perfect for Our Five Year Old Boy

Having a garden as a parent is a whole new kettle of fish - it has to be a space that satisfies child and adult alike. It also has to be a space that is fun in all kinds of weathers. For us too, ideally it needs to be low maintenance.

The best bit of our garden by far, where Aaron is concerned is the swing. Many hours have been whiled away swinging happily or climbing up and down the ladder. When we first got it, I wouldn't be able to hang washing on the line or anything as all I'd hear was "Mummy push me" but that all changed August 2014 when the cousins were here and Aaron was taught how to self-swing, using his legs. Wow he goes high within seconds now and it gives me a breather to get things done.
Garden swings for adult and child
Daddy is a big kid so you'll see a lounger type swing above too, which provides the shade that enables Daddy to thoroughly enjoy the garden, when he's not busy working in it that is.

Aaron adores football, so you'll see there is a goal up there too, which has a removable cover for target practice. I love nothing more than watching them have a kick about when I'm kicking dinner. Having the window open and hearing all  the banter is adorable.

My FAVOURITE thing is the garden is getting washing dry on the line and I think the above pic was taken on a day when I got five loads dry - yep, a great feeling, even more so as it had rained for a few days prior. It's been a hit and miss Summer to be fair!

I love the garden when the lawn is newly cut and I adore the smell of freshly cut grass. Although in the below pic, Daddy's having a rest from trimming the hedge rather than the lawn; that came later.
I recently bought the declutter book that everyone is talking about (The Life Changing Magic of Tidying) and enjoyed reading a big chunk of it in the garden; in fact I bought the book on a Saturday a couple of weeks back and had read it by Sunday. I can't wait for the inspiration I guzzled to manifest itself as real change, that means inside is as tidy as outside. Being pregnant means I am taking things slowly though. It hasn't helped that I've had 5 days of gastroenteritis, but I am better now, so once energy levels are back hopefully I can crack on. First stop, a room makeover for Aaron's bedroom coming soon. Then to deal with my *piles* of paperwork etc.... eeeek!
Reading in the garden
As Aaron is SUCH an outdoor boy, having a view of the garden from the kitchen was really important to me. With the blinds up and the windows open, he can ask me any questions he wants, whilst I can still get everything done! Perfect!
As much as this Summer hasn't been the best, in terms of weather, we did have a few blue sky days recently which were REALLY appreciated and we made sure we took the time to enjoy the garden.
Lately, Aaron's favourite passtime is playing boardgames and he loves nothing better than playing them outside. So this taught me that garden furniture has many uses besides Al Fresco dining ;-) We do love eating outside, but don't do it nearly often enough.
If we get a mild Autumn and Spring starts early, perhaps we can continue  to have lots of time in the garden. That'd be great as it really is an extension of the home. Also, since being pregnant I just crave fresh air so it's the perfect place to be.

Our garden is very functional, but if you want to browse some real garden eye candy, take a look at the garden inspiration on Homify. My favourite types of TV shows are ones that show transformations. I watch Homes Under The Hammer everyday. Browsing through Homify is great as you not only see DIY pics to swoon over (inside and outside I may add, even including structural changes like extensions) but they also include video transformation stories too.

Disclosure: All words, opinions and photos are my own.

Bye for now, Liska 
(Hoping to get back to daily blogging again).


  1. Your garden looks fab- perfect for a growing family ;) Am sorry to see you've been poorly - especially for so long. Glad you're over the worst and am looking forward to more posts from you xx

  2. Did you move house and I missed it? I'm sure you used to live in a flat. Btw, we also have that Frustration game. Don't you just hate playing with the geni? I refuse to use him.

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